Monday, July 7, 2008

Curious as a Cat

(Link in blogroll)

1) What is the craziest thing you ever did as a child or teen?
I wasn't a very crazy kid. Probably the totally goofiest thing I ever did was being obnoxious to fans at a band event when I was in junior high.
2) If you could teach someone you know one life lesson, who and what would you choose?
I'm hoping to instill lots of these in Sparky, of course. However, in the spirit of the question, I would like one specific person--nameless here--to learn common courtesy and thinking outside of her own personal nasty attitude.
3) In what situations do you find yourself relying on your parents (or your parents' advice) the most?
I remember my dad telling me that life isn't fair quite often. Certainly weekly, if not more frequently. [Edit: I think of it that often. He only said those words to me once. Obviously, Monday is not 'clarity in writing day' for me.]
4) What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?
"Well that was a really weird series of dreams!" (Reclaiming crack houses and following a kid whose house had been invaded. Oddly, they weren't particularly scary, just...randomly weird.)
5) Show and Tell. What comes to mind first when you see this picture? Or, tell a story if it reminds you of one.
Public Domain Photo
Well. It's definitely NOT representational! Actually, it sort of reminds me of the background to the Mona Lisa, which is odd. Mostly I just like the shades of green and the sense of fractured peace. Yes, that's right--I like the fractured peace because it seems very realistic.

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