Thursday, July 10, 2008

Title-Free (well, prior to this anyway)

from here

.What makes a person worthy of your respect?
Everyone starts out with my respect, at least a certain amount. If I end up not respecting someone, it is wholly based on their behavior. I'm also MUCH quicker to withdraw respect than I used to be. I think the Respect Bank is depleting. It's possible for people to earn respect back, but it's a hard slog.
.Who are at least three people (dead or living) you respect? Why do you respect them?
1. MIL--for doing her level best to die with dignity.
2. Barack Obama--for not stooping to the level of his opponents. Yet.
3. Nelson Mandela--see #2, only moreso.
.Who do you love?
{Hysterically, I heard this song today.} I love lots and lots of people, most of whom I also respect. Actually, is it possible to love someone you don't respect...?
.What is the randomest way you have made a friend?
All my friendships are pretty random. Sitting down next to someone in class. Getting slapped onto a subcommittee because I'm an idiot and volunteer for everything. Walking into my library and talking to the woman at the Reference Desk.
.When was the last time you laughed non-stop?
Probably a week to 10 days. I don't remember the specifics, though. Sorry.
.So, tell me a joke you've heard recently
No. OK:
If someone comes to your front door saying they are checking for ticks due to the warm weather, and asks you to take your clothes off and dance around with your arms up,


They only want to see you naked.

I wish I’d gotten this yesterday - I feel so stupid.
Thanks, Patrick.
.What are three moments you kind of wish had lasted just a little bit longer?
1. Sparky in his "king" outfit (a beach towel around his shoulders and a crown made of a plastic milk jug) on our deck when he was 4.
2. Walking in rain when I was 7.
3. More time to take (better) pictures of Sparky with my dad.
.What do you like to do on sunny days?
If it's not humid, I'm ok with sitting/lying on a blanket and baking all day.
.What do you like to do on rainy days?
If it's only raining, I like to read, or sleep. If it's a full-on thunderstorm, I love watching the lightning.
.What are three goals you have made for yourself that you know you will accomplish?
1. Sparky looks like he'll be a functional adult, at least mentally.
2. Staying married. (fingers crossed {wink})
3. No prison time. Yet.
.Do you sing in the shower?
.When will you dance?
Tomorrow, in my chair at work. I promise, cross my heart.
.What are three of the most beautiful things you have ever seen?
1. Sparky. Babies in general, but Sparky in particular. He was lovely.
2. The Mediterranean around Ydra.
3. The Sistine Chapel ceiling and altar wall. Mind you, I saw them before they were cleaned!
.What makes you smile?
Babies. Other people's smiles. Silly behavior. Clever speaking.
.What's your favorite flavor ice cream?
Vanilla. Or peppermint. Or bubblegum.
.What makes you dislike somebody?
The contant need to prove how small others are...over and over. Stupidity. Maliciousness. Lying. Extreme self-orientation. (Hey, I just described Schedule Nazi!)
.Who are three people you do not like? Why don't you like them?
1. Schedule Nazi. See above.
2. W. Cuz he's a moron, and doesn't seem to care.
3. The Guy Who Swore at Me in Traffic. Seems pretty obvious. He comes in the library ALL the damn time, and tries to schmooze me, but ... uh-uh.
.What is your method of retaliation?
I don't retaliate. Maybe that's my problem...? About the closest I come is occasional passive-aggressiveness.
.Do you enjoy arguments?
Who enjoys arguing?! On the other hand, I do it very well.
.What are three things you do not like?
1. Being in the same room as an argument in which I'm not even involved is the PITS!
2. Liver.
3. The smell of skunk. Or fox musk.
.What pisses you off?
1. Child abuse.
2. Sexual abuse.
3. W.
.What is the worst thing you have ever done?
...and you think I'm going to tell here??? Hah.
.What are the three most recent illegal things you have done?
Speeding, talking on the phone in traffic, and...I can't think of anything else illegal I've done for a long time! So VERY sad, eh?

.Have you ever been accused of something?
Well, DUH!! Of course. Every-damn-day!
.Do you take pride in any immoral traits you have (ie: dishonesty, greed, etc.)?
I used to be quite prideful of how well I could lie. I'm not sure I lie so well anymore, and I don't think I'm proud of anything else of that sort. OK, I'm proud of being lazy I guess.
.How many times do you have to be told to follow the rules?
Once. I don't always LIKE the rules, but I generally follow them (usually without having to be told, by the way, which is why on those rare occasions when I get in trouble for not following the rules, I get so fuckin' pissed off!).
.Do you ever play by the rules?
I play by the house rules. Always.
.Who are three of the shadiest characters of your aquaintance? How are they so?
1. Schedule Nazi. She lies, she manipulates, she's lazier than me (horrors!), and she's just sneaky.
2. One of Sparky's friends, Three. I just don't trust him. (No, his name isn't Three, except it sorta is...)
3. About 40% of the people on the internet at work at any given time. I don't ask for their names. I just don't want to know!
.What is the strangest thing you have seen?
Dude, I work in a public library. My tolerance for "strange" is so incredibly high that I can't even posit anything that would make me blink. So, I have to eliminate anything human. How about tornadic activity? That's pretty damn freaky. I've only seen some veyr minor stuff, personally, thank God!
.Who are three of the most annoying people you know?
1. Schedule Nazi.
2. Complainer Tech.
3. My niece Katherine.
.What is the worst thing you could imagine?
I've read and watched far too much true crime stories, not to mention all those CSI episodes and war stories...I can imagine a LOT of bad, most of which has happened.
.What is the best thing you could imagine?
Sparky still finding love in his heart for me when he's all grown up.
.What goal(s) do you hope to accomplish by the end of today?
Finish this stupid meme. ;-) Make sure Sparky has a list of questions for his golf coach written down. Finish that crossword I've been struggling with. Sleep.
.the end of the week?
Sort through all the recon'd CDs. Clean up my inbox at work. Sort out all the manga stuff I shipped back from ALA. Clean the bathrooms at home.
.the end of the month?
I'd love to have most of the kids' series cataloged; they've been sitting around for 3 months now! Figure out pre-schoolyear meeting(s) for youth group. Get the pro football schedules sorted, and the Olympics.
.the end of the year?
Oh shit, I have no idea. It would be awesome if I can get some of my family papers figured out by then.
.What are three things that comfort you?
1. Good music.
2. Meming.
3. Stuffed, or real, animals. And happy babies. And hugs in general.
.Where was the last place you were hurting? Why were you hurting there?
My heart (metaphorically, not physiologically). Life is hard right now.
.Do you have a plan for yourself?
Are you on crack? No.
.What are three books that have influenced your life the most?
1. The Bible
2. These Happy Golden Years/The Long Winter
2. Chitty-Chitty Bang-Bang
.What are three things you want to own, but don't because you're too lazy to get them?
1. 46664
2. A new phone plan
3. Plants for the yard.
.What are three things you want to own, but don't because you're too poor to buy them?
1. A car built this decade
2. An auto-composter
3. A hot tub
.Who are three people you want to hug?
Excluding those I will hug tonight yet:
1. Jenny
2. Amy
3. Jean
.Who are three people you'd like to know better?
1. Andy
2. Annie
3. Sparky (hopeless cause)
.Where do you go when you want to be alone?
The bathroom, or the car.
.What do you think of your family? Why?
I think my extended family is right on the edge of a complete disaster. The people I live with are ok, though.
.What are three things you have learned recently?
1. Don't pick up snakes.
2. If you pick up a snake, put it down before you get bitten.
3. Ask for help before things get so snarled it will take months to untangle them.
.How do you process new information?
I get the sense, the literal meaning very quickly, but it sometimes takes me much much longer to get the full context and impact.
.Do you like to learn new things?
Generally, yes. Unless my teacher makes me feel like a moron.
.What are three songs you can't listen to enough?
1. "Amazing Grace"
2. "Seek Ye First"
3. "Heaven" (Los Lonely Boys)
.What do you think about death?
I think it's natural, but it sucks for those left behind.
.Do you take risks in your life?
Calculated risks, yes.
.Give three examples of risks you have taken:
1. Getting married when and to whom I did.
2. Going to the Soviet Union and China during the (end of the) Cold War.
3. Taking the job I took 12.5 years ago.
.What do you want to do right now?
Finish this and go to bed.


1. Are you in a relationship? Yep.
2. If no, would you like to be? plock
3. How often do you visit your MySpace profile? About twice a year, at most.
4. What is your favorite candy bar? Butterfinger
5. What are your favorite shoes/sandals? My beaded toe-holding sandals.
6. Have you ever tripped going up steps? Multiple times.
7. Do you have a vacation planned for this summer yet? I think it's over.
8. Would you bungee jump? I'm rapidly reaching the end of my viable bungee-jumping window. Not really interested, actually.
9. Do you own a Fallout Boy CD? No, though I do like some of their songs.
10. Do you like amusement parks? Not really.
11. Do you ride rollercoasters? They're ok.
12. What is your current favorite CD? Nicole C. Mullens "Redeemer"
13. Can you touch your tongue to your nose? No. Yuck.
14. When was the last time you were in the ocean? Good gosh, it's been a long time. At least a decade, I think.
15. Do you like beer? No.
16. Would you kiss someone of the same sex? Probably not romantically, no.
17. What is the most embarrassing CD you own? I don't really care if you think my musical taste sucks, so there really isn't one.
18. Are you sarcastic? NOOOO! D'ya think??
19. Is there anything you wait for every summer? My anniversary.
20. In your opinion, what is the best summer smell? Ozone.
21. Socks or sandals? In the summer, sandals. Generally, I prefer my feet to be as close to naked as possible, year-round.
22. Who was the last person to go to the movies with you? Beast.
23. What's something you really hope to do this summer? Survive.
24. Do you like to go mini-golfing? It's ok once in awhile.
25. Are you going anywhere this summer? Didn't we sorta cover this already? I think our traveling is done, unless we have to do some emergency family visits.
26. Are you going to be starting a new job this summer? Not exactly.
27. Have you ever slapped someone? Yup.
28. Do you get poison ivy? Only if I touch the wrong plants.
29. Do you plan on going camping this summer? I loathe camping!
30. What was the last restaurant you ate at? We bought Chinese takeout today for lunch, Sparky and I.
31. Favorite pizza topping? Besides cheese? Canadian bacon.
33. Do you play any sports? No.
34. Do you use Chapstick? Regularly.
35. What were the last 3 movies you watched? Plock (CBA)
36. Are you currently fighting with anyone? Not exactly. Yes. No. It's complicated.
37. Are you too forgiving? Not anymore!
38. How many pets do you have? There are two guinea pigs in the family.
39. Do you own something from Hot Topic? Yep.
40. What is your favorite breakfast? Bagel with cream cheese.
41. Where was the last place you drove? Home from work.
43. Where will you be in 24 hours? On my way home from work.
44. What did you do 3 nights ago? Sunday night...uh, don't remember. I slept crappy though, that I know for sure.
45. When was the last time you went to a fancy restaurant? Don't actually remember.
46. What was the last thing you bought? Spinach and pop, on the way home from work.
47. Have you ever been in a foreign country? Yes.
48. Anywhere you want to go? Besides bed? Not right now.
49. What's the farthest you've ever traveled from home with out your parents? Oh dear heavenly God! I've been more places without my parents than I have with them.
50. What have you done today? Worked, blogged, whined, talked to assorted people, emailed...the usual.
51. Do you own something from a sex shop? Loosely defined, yes.
52. Are you thinking of someone right now? Yes.
53. Have you ever thrown something out of a moving car? Of course.
54. Do you smoke cigarettes? No.
55. Would you date someone who smoked cigarettes? No.
56. Are you happy with your life right now? Hah.
57. What's the last thing you ate? Chicken sandwich. I've gum in my mouth right now, though, if that counts.
58. What's the next place you have to go? Bathroom and then bed.
59. How many hours do you usually sleep per night? I try to get at least 6. Lately it hasn't been working.
60. What's the next important date on your calendar? My nephew's birthday is 7/18.
61. Who last called you? MIL called us a couple of hours ago. Last to talk to just me was...yesterday, or Monday. Don't remember.
62. McDonald's or Burger King? Whichever.
63. Who last text messaged you? No clue.
64. Are you closer to your mother or father? plock
65. Do you like to quote things? Yup.
66. Are you afraid of the dark? Not a whit.
67. Do you exercise regularly? Only mentally.
68. What is the most expensive thing you ever bought? The house I'm sitting in.
69. What should you be doing right now? Getting ready for bed.
70. Do you own any clothes that weren't made in China? Not too many, no.


1. When was the last time you tried cutting your own hair? About 8 years ago, to get the comb that was stuck in it out.
2. How often do you and your sibling(s) argue? I'm in an ongoing battle with my brother right now. Otherwise, no, because I don't engage.
3. Do you have any links in your AIM profile? I don't use AIM.
4. What is the most original piece of clothing you own? The poncho I bought last week, from Peru.
5. Would you like a milkshake? No thanks. Not right now.
6. What language seems the hardest to learn? CJK
7. Do you have enough patience and effort to learn it? Nope.
8. Have you ever boughten [sic] anybody a mug? Yup, I shore-nuf have.
9. What did you do for Father's Day? Gave Beast his prezzies. Went to church. Ate breakfast at 6 Balls.
10. What about Labor Day: anything planned? Nope.
11. Do you still buy coloured pencils? No, I have a drawer full.
12. Have you ever had a cream puff? Hella yeah! They are about the only reason I go to the WI State Fair.
13. What is one of those items around the house that seem to be unlimited? Air? Junk mail?
14. Doesn't it suck when you run out of it, and you never remember to buy it? No. I keep a list.
15. Have you ever slept with your hair in braids and let them out in the morning? Yup. What a weird question. I do this all the time.
16. When was the last time you played a game of cards? Couple of weeks ago: Egyptian Rat Screw. With the church kids. Go figure.
17. Do you want to be like your mother/father to your own child? I'd rather be like my dad, thanks.
18. When was the last time you disected something? What was it? High school. It was a cat.
19. What was the last thing you lost? My mind.
20. Do you do the usual internet, eat, sleep routine during the summer? Yup. I'm a grownup. No summers off for me.
21. Do you like the taste of a wine cooler? They're ok, but I seem to be allergic to something in them, so I don't drink them anymore.
22. Have you ever been to a club? Uh, yeah. {eyeroll}
23. What/who is the most annoying thing in your house? Plead the Fifth on that one......
24. Do your parents exaggerate the truth to each other when blaming things on you? Not no more.
25. Are you the kind of person to be pissed when proven wrong or can you easily admit defeat? Depends on how much I've invested in whatever it is.
26. Do you use coupons? Nope.
27. What is the worst trend in America, non-clothing wise? Could this possibly be worded more strangely? Uh, how about anorexia?
28. Do you know anybody that has a lisp? Yup.
29. Do you use dryer sheets? Nope. Allergies.
30. Are there any manila folders in the room? Hmmm, don't think so.
31. Do you get embarrased when people read your poems and stuff? Nope.
32. How lazy can you get? Pretty lazy, thanks.
33. Were you the one to ask where babies came from or did they come to you? "They" being...whom? The babies? Fuckwit.
34. Or did you figure it out on your own? No.
35. Have you ever tuned a guitar? I've tried.
36. What's the most annoying thing about a cat? "ACHOO!"
37. Do you forget to put candles on your cake? I don't forget, I just don't want to cause a fire hazard.
38. Where is this movie quote from: "I hate all the orphans in the world."
39. How long do you plan to keep your myspace/xanga? Well, which? MySpace or Xanga? I really can't be bothered deleting my MySpace, and I'm not sure I have a Xanga. Blogger...who knows. Till something better comes along that doesn't impose giant hassles on me, I guess.
40. What was the last thing you right-clicked for? I would guess I was copy/paste-ing.
41. Do you prefer buns with or without sesame seeds? Oh, THOSE kind of buns. Either is fine.
42. Is ketchup and mayonnaise a good condiment combination? Sure, if you're into high cholesterol and high blood pressure.
43. What do you do if there is a fly in your house? Run screaming from the house, of course. (I either ignore it or kill it.)
44. What makes you look twice? Bad spelling/grammar/punctuation and inanity.
45. Rate this pick-up line out of a 5: "I'm not Fred Flintstone, but I can make your Bedrock." I'd put that at about a negative 30, which a punch in the eye.
46. What kind of lampshades do you own? Primarily K-Mart and Wal-Mart.
47. Can you get up early enough to get breakfast meals from fast food restaraunts [sic]? I had to leave that typo in. I'm correcting tons, but that one is the proverbial straw on my camel-like back. And it's a stupid question. I'm up around 6, at the latest almost every morning. In fact, I got a fast-food breakfast today!
48. What is the most overrated plot used in movies? "Boy Meets Girl..." [By the way, why is it NEVER "Girl Meets Boy..."]
49. Did you know that The Lakehouse is based on a Korean film "Ii Mare"? Do I care?
50. And that Dreamworks is remaking the Korean film "My Sassy Girl"? And, do I care?
51. Is America running out of stories for movies? Oh, for God's sake. "America" isn't running out of stories, but Hollywood is running out of balls to make anything but schlock and copycat shit. Not that this is anything new...
52. How long does it take for you to fall asleep? I usually read or do a crossword/sudoku until I get bopped in the face with a falling book or whatever. Then I put everything on the floor, take off my glasses and I'm done.
53. Have you ever used electric tape before? "Electric tape"? Is that some kind of concept for surprising your friends, or what? I have used electrical tape in the past, of course, but I think that's entirely different, n'est ce pas?
54. What do you dread in the future? Death, disease, pain, famine, natural disasters. Other than that, nothing.
55. Have you ever been called Pinnochio to indicate you are lying? No. Have you?
56. Have you ever won anything from a Coke bottle cap? I have won free Pepsis from Pepsi caps. I don't drink much Coke.
57. How often do you fib? Oh hey now: there's a word I don't hear much anymore! I fib regularly, daily in fact. "I'm fine." "No, really, I don't mind; you go first." "Of COURSE I don't mind covering for you AGAIN at the Reference Desk!"
58. If a close friend asks you to hang out and you don't want to, how would you reply to them without seeming rude? I'd tell them that I've got a million things to do that have deadlines, which would be true.
59. Are you scared of driving and wrecking a car? No. But if you are, I recommend not driving until you get over that.
60. Who is the worst driver ever? What makes him/her suck at driving? "Ever"? Lindsey Lohan, maybe? My sister has never been a successful driver. It's weird; she has flunked more road tests than anyone I've ever met.


01. Eaten a hot dog on a hamburger bun? OK, that mental picture is just...slightly...icky. And, no.
02. Had a conversation with a rockstar figure on a poster hanging in your room? I would NOT call it a 'conversation' since the poster never spoke back to me. Thank God!
03. Painted your fingernails ten different colors? I don't believe I've ever owned 10 different colors of polish at the same time. So, no. [You people have entirely too much free time!]
04. Made sand angels at the beach? That sounds like either great fun, or very painful. I'll have to try it next time, but I think I'll do it with all my clothes on, rather than in a bathing suit.
05. Pretended to "rock climb" up a tree? WTF? No.
06. Worn two different colored eyeshadows? That was part & parcel of the makeup style of the lid color, one 'crease' color and one brow color. But the same on both eyes, of course.
07. Changed your handwriting, only to realize it was too hard to keep up? If I'm going to hassle with changing the way I write, I'm going to stick with it out of sheer pig-headedness.
08. Written with your left hand, even though you're right handed (or vice versa), for a school paper and turned it in? Damn, that's a lot of work. No.
09. Cut your own hair? Badly, yes.
10. Sang an embarrasingly [sic] "uncool" song in public and gotten called on it? Would "embarrassingly 'uncool'" be Happy Birthday? Otherwise, no. I've sung some pretty silly songs at church to the little kids in the past, but they love 'em.
11. Had someone hand you a sticker on the street for no apparent reason? Uh, no?
12. Made up a nickname for someone that really stuck, and now that's all anyone calls him/her? No.
13. Written "r" when you really meant to write "s"? I've got my Rs and Ss figured out. I do have problems with E, F and L sometimes due to sloppy printing, and I've been told that my 1s and 7s are an issue of late. And my cursive Us and Vs are a nightmare.
14. "Saved" an ant from your bath tub before you took a shower? Nope, they just get washed down the drain. Actually, I can't remember there ever being an ant in the tub. Just spiders and occasionally earwigs (shudder!).
15. Captured a lizard to keep it as a pet? Nope.
16. Tried to nurse a baby squirrel/bird back to health after its mother was killed? Just puppies, nothing smaller.
17. Stroked your chin as if you had a really long beard? Yes, as a matter of fact I have. As a joke, people, as a JOKE!
18. Scratched your left forearm, even though it wasn't itchy, to avoid answering a question? I've practiced many and varied avoidance techniques. This is one of the more basic ones.
19. Pointed a banana at someone and yelled "Bang!"? Not for decades.
20. Gotten an ingrown toenail? No. Or should I say, really, not yet...
21. Picked your nose in public? Uhm, yeah.
22. Sang to someone? I sang to Sparky every night when he was a baby.
23. Sang along to "Bohemian Rhapsody" with someone? Every time it comes on the radio, baby!
24. Stopped watching American Idol when your favorite contestant got voted off? I've watched AI about...uh...twice. Ever.
25. Pretended you had a bad connection when you wanted to get off the phone with someone? Yup.
26. Convinced someone you had a different name? All o' y'all out there in Memeland!
27. Worn a shirt that has a swear word on it? Not in English.
28. Stage dived? No.
29. Gotten a bruise on your butt? Yep. Demerol sucks. No, seriously, I've fallen and bruised my butt, but the four-times-daily Demerol shots I got for a week at the hospital gave me the longest-lasting bruises EVER.
30. Made thousand island dressing with mayonnaise and ketchup? ...and pickle relish. Yes.
31. Made a paper fortune teller? Welcome to 4th and 5th grade!
32. Tried to eat a piece of fake fruit? No. I've never been that drunk around fake fruit.
33. Taken a picture of a homeless person? Not without asking first.
34. Laughed at your own joke and have no one else laugh at it? Of course. I crack myself up.
35. Snorted soda up your nose? I've had pop go up my nose. I've also had it come out my nose while laughing. It's not a good feeling.
36. Whistled on a piece of grass? Damn. I used to do this all the time. I wonder if I remember how....
37. Slid down a hill on a piece of cardboard? Yes. And a Hefty bag. And a cafeteria tray. And my jeans. And anything else that vaguely resembled a sled.
38. Tried to surf on your boogie board? I have a boogie board? Really? Where the fuck is it??
39. Kicked your cat, only to have it bite your bare foot? My cat lives with my boogie board, apparently. And no. This has never happened with any of my former dogs, either, just for clarity.
40. Stuck all your fingers in hot wax and walked around the rest of the day with pretty smelling finger tips? Whoever did these questions is truly a weirdo. No.
41. Dropped a piece of jewelry in the toilet and had to fish it out? Nope. Thankfully, our toilet seats are almost always down unless we're ON the toilet.
42. Told a dirty joke in front of your parents? No. My parents didn't/don't "do" dirty.
43. Tried to braid your brother's hair? Huh. No. And he's gone bald now, so that fun has ended.
44. Wiped your butt with poison ivy? Because I'm just that much of a moron? No.
45. Eaten an entire bag of popcorn? No.
46. Played baseball with fruit that grows in your backyard? No fruit in our backyard, not even in the metaphorical sense.
47. Slipped and fallen on a wet patch on the ground, even though there's a "Caution Wet Floor" sign up? I've slipped, but never fallen. Yet.
48. Walked into the opposite sex's bathroom? Yes. In fact, at ALA several of us commandeered the (empty) men's room instead of standing in the 50-person line for the women's room. It was interesting to see how few women got out of line to join us. Peer pressure is strong. At least among middle-aged librarians.
49. Breathed really heavily into a phone as your answering machine message? No. YUCK!
50. Loved a survey as much as you loved this one? It's possible that "love" is the wrong verb here. I don't know if I've ever been as freaked out at one, but I have laughed out loud more on this one than on a LOT of others!


o1.What is in your purse / bag right now? My "purse" has all my assorted Frequent Buyers cards, both credit cards, my license, my AAA card, and money in it.
o2.How many people are on your buddylist? In Meebo, 23.
o3.Where do you spend your time most online? It's probably very close to a tie between Blogger, Bloglines, III, and OCLC.
o4.How many people are you talking to right now? Beast just left his office. So, none.
o5.Are you on the phone? No. It's in my pocket.
o6.Who is at home with you? Just the pigs.
o7.What time did you wake up this morning? At 1ish, at 4ish, and finally at 6.
o8.How many people are online right now? Hold on, I'm checking.... Apparently there are 1.4 billion internet users in the world (I'm not sure how they count a user) and I would estimate at least half are off-line right now. So...about 700,000,000 people, maybe. Why?
o9.Are you mad? In which sense? I'm a bit peeved, and slightly crazy.
1o.Are you happy? I have flashes of happy.
11.What time do you plan on going to sleep? It will be close to 11 tonight before I get to sleep.
12.Where did you go last? I just went into our office to see what was printing.
13.Do you like your school? Which school would that be?
14.What is the temperature right now? 86 outside, 75 inside.
15.Do you have a cell phone? Still in my pocket.
16.What time is it now? 9:04 a.m. [I should note that I started this about 8 p.m. last night, but gave up after two hours or so.]
17.Do you talk in your sleep? I've been told that I do.
18.Do you sleep walk? I did as a child. I don't think I have since reaching adulthood.
19.Are you tired? Always.
2o.Are you bored? No.
21.Do you have a crush? Not so much.
22.Do you have a BF? BoyFriend? Best Friend? I have a husband and lots of Very Good Friends besides.
23.What is your best friend's name? Plock.
24.What's your favorite season? Autumn.
25.During the summer, do you get mosquito bites? If I'm outside at all, then yes.
26.Don't you hate mosquitos? Yeah, I'm not a fan.
27.Do you like Ice-Cream? I can Take It or leave It.
28.Who is your Idol: Billy. (I wish)
29.What's your favorite book? That answer is too long for this meme.
3o.How's the weather where you are now? Warming up nicely for another humid day.
31.Can you wait for tomorrow? I have no choice but to do so.


1. If you had the choice to spin around the sun, or walk on the moon, which would you choose and why? I'm confused: don't we already spin around the sun? So I'll go with the novelty and walk on the moon.
2. If you could share that experience with one person, who would that be, and why?
3. What colour do you think best describes you and why? Puce. Or ecru.
4. Do you know what your element is? If so what is it? All I know is that I'm frequently out of my element.
5. Do you know your astrological sign? If so what is it? Scorp.
6. Do you believe that your dreams are a gateway to your soul? No, I think my dreams are a clearinghouse for my subconscious.
7. What is your most vivid dream? Ever? There've been several.
8. If you could be doing anything right now, what would you be doing and why? Sleeping. I'm really tired this morning.
9. If you could only choose one element to surround yourself with either a)wind, b)fire, c)earth, or d)water, which would you choose and why? Wind. I'd like to continue breathing, please.
10. Would you ever share you heart completely with someone else? If yes, who, if no, why not? No, it's not possible to communicate that completely all of the time.
11. Who runs circles around your mind? What? Metaphorically, loads of people are smarter than me. Thoughts of lots of people run in circles around my mind. I don't really know how to answer this.
12. If you had to paint a self-portrait would you make it a) realistic, b) abstract, or c) you'd rather die than have to pick up a paint brush? Explain your answer. C. I am not an artist.
13. Which do you prefer more and why, a) natural light, b) candle light, c) florescent [sic] light, or d) moonlight? Isn't natural moonlight an option? I like sun and moonlight for different reasons. Fluorescent is nowhere on my favorite list.
14. Do you believe in karma? Do you even know what karma is? Yes, I do know what it is, and no I don't really believe in it. I do believe that if you always look at the world negatively and give out that vibe, you will probably get back mostly negative stuff. Or at least, that's what you'll pay most attention to.
15. How about fate? Are we all fulfilling a destiny here on earth? We have a purpose. Part of our purpose is to figure out our unique contribution to the world and then DO IT.
16. Who is the most thought-provoking person you know, and why? I'm completely unable to answer this this morning. WAY too tired to provoke any thoughts. I'll just go with your average, run-of-the-mill three-year-old.
17. Who is the most inspiring and why? See previous reply.
18. If you had to spend the rest of your natural life with only one other human being, who would that be and why? I've already chosen Beast, though for the life of me right now I can't remember why.
19. Which sense could you not live without, and why? Losing my sight would suck.
20. Have you ever written on a mirror? If so what did you write? Yes. "Hello." Very imaginative, no?
21. Have you ever written or drawn on another person? If so who, and what did you write/draw? Mostly shopping lists. ;-)
22. What do you wish on? I don't, really, anymore.
23. Tell the person who sent this to you one thing about yourself, however big or small, that you've never told before. No one sent it to me, so I don't have to do this one.
24. Right now is your life spiraling, or ascending? Why? What happened to descending? Actually, though, I'd say spiraling. Which is frustrating.
25. If you could change one thing you did in the last 24 hours, what would it be and why? I wouldn't be so fuckin' cranky! To keep that from starting, I think I wouldn't spend the time I did bitching about Schedule Nazi at work.
26. What can someone do to you that would turn you on fully, physical or mental, or both? What? I'm very tired this morning, and I don't get this, and I don't want to work it out. Just leave me alone. Right now, that's a big turn on!
27. Do you prefer sleeping outside beneath the night sky, or your cozy bed indoors? Why? I prefer being inside. The ground is not comfortable to sleep on. However, I do like lying on the ground and looking up at the stars.
28. What is the most beautiful thing in the world? One's own child(ren).
29. Name one person whose changed your life for the better. MIL.
30. Name one person whose changed your life for the worse. PsychoBoss.
31. If you knew you were going to pass away within the next few days, what would be the last thing you say, and who would you say that to? To Sparky: "I will ALWAYS love you."
32. Do you believe in heaven? If so what do you think it will be like? I do, but I'm trying to keep my preconceptions to a minimum. I think it's whatever makes each person happiest, so it's going to be different for each of us.
33. Would you rather a) run through a sunflower field, b) jump inside a waterfall, or c) hike through the woods? Why? Hike. I'm better at it.
34. What is your worst fear in the world? Failure.
35. What is one thing that can make you smile no matter what mood you're in? Baby cooing.


1--Are you moody in the morning? It seems I am today. Normally, I'm not.
2--Have you ever behaved like a stalker? Not to the extent of scaring or hassling someone, no.
3--Do you appreciate other people's opinions? Only if I've asked for them!
4--Does baby corn freak you out? No, and I'd suggest that if it freaks you out, you have a lot of serious issues.
5--Can you lie and keep a straight face? Well, I keep my usual crooked face when I lie, so it's all the same, no?
6--Have you ever feared for somebody else's life? Yes.
7--Do you prefer honesty, even when it hurts? Overall, yes. But I value tact, too.
8--Have you ever consulted a psychic? No, thanks.
9--If yes, do you consider yourself a moron? Plock.
10--Does the opposite sex's BO turn you on? Emphatically not!
11--Have you ever stayed in a relationship out of habit? Yep.
12--Have you ever deliberately not told someone that they had something in their teeth? Uh, not in a malicious way. Sometimes, there's just no way to get the message across without making the situation worse.
13--What was the best decision you ever made? Having a baby.
14--Do you have a father- or mother- complex? I'm sure I have both. They are around here somewhere, probably in a cardboard box.
15--If you could pick your own pet name, what would it be? I did: Cat.
16--Have you ever masturbated while driving? Uh...gosh, no, I think I haven't.
17--How do you feel when someone takes the last of something? Oh, there are so many more critical issues in the world....
18--How do you feel when people tell you "Bless you" or "gesundheit" when you sneeze? I'm too busy mopping up to feel anything but embarrassed for sneezing in the first place.
19--What are you supposed to say when somebody coughs? Well, I usually say "Are you ok?" or "Bless you" if it sounds like a sick cough.
20--Do you care what's going on in the world? In VERY general terms, yes.
21--Do you pronounce a second "R" in "sherbet" or an "R" in wash? I used to. My mom says 'warsh' (or did when you could understand her), but I only say it as a joke.
22--Do you throw temper tantrums? Yes.
23--Have you ever committed a violent crime because of a video game or rap song? Daily. OK, no, not really, probalby because I don't really 'consume' either of these things that often.
24--Have you ever actually overheard one of your friends talking shit about you? Yup. It's an awesome-great feeling, let me tell you!
25--How many partners is too many? Plock.
26--Do you know what the "Myspace Angles" are? No, and I don't care.
27--Is Tom still your friend? If yes, why? Yes. I'm too lazy to delete the MySpace Tom, and the other answer is that I'm giggling too hard to answer.
28--Do you have a sponge frog next to your sink? Nope. Do you?
29--Do you believe that wearing an aluminum foil hat will stop the government from reading your thoughts? Nothing stops the goverment.
30--Would you rather have a hook for a hand or a peg leg? I'd rather keep my own body parts intact for as long as possible, thanks.
31--Do you tip the carhops at Sonic? I am Yankee, ergo no Sonics.
32--Have you gotten drunk specifically to lower your inhibitions? Yup.
33--How close does someone have to be for you to feel obligated to wait and hold the door for them? Three to five feet, unless their arms are full: then I'll wait.
34--Do you give "breaks" to people who don't deserve them? (i.e. are you a sucker?) Yes. But don't call me a sucker, asshat.
35--Have you ever been walked in on? Uh, no.
36--Honestly, do you think you're better than everyone? But I am!
37--What do you take to a pot luck? Whatever I'm assigned. Or a salad.
38--Do you examine the tissue after you blow your nose? Of course. Doesn't everyone?
39--How do you know when you are an adult? When I finally figured out what "escrow" is. And cared.
40--What is your cure for the hiccups? Hold my breath and drink a large glass of water from the back side. Or just the large glass of water.


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