Saturday, June 14, 2008


(found here)


1. Have you ever felt replaced? Uh, yeah. It's no fun when a friendship goes bad in front of you, is it?
2. Are you only friends with the rich? No. Wealth is low on my checklist of reasons to be friends with someone.
3. is at the dog track placing bets.
4. What kind of cellphone do you have? LG, which uses AT&T.
5. Last person who called you, and what do you think about him/her? Apparently, my sister Jean called earlier, but we missed the call.
6. Last time you shopped at Abercrombie/Hollister? Like, never.
7. What school did you attend in elementary? M@dd0x.
8. What scent are you wearing right now? Me, and whatever the deodorant I'm wearing has in it.
9. How do you feel about gay marriage? The same way I feel about straight marriage.
10. Do you like your school? It's growing on me.
11. What are you thinking about? Tomorrow's departure on our mission trip.
12. Do you dislike liars? I'd be very interested in meeting someone who answered this in the affirmative, or at least finding out why someone would answer that way. I do dislike liars.
13. is an unlucky number.
14. Where did you last go out to eat? We bought our lunch at Taco Bell today.
15. How is life going for you right now? Middle of the road.
16. Do you trust your best friend/friends? Would they be my best friends if I didn't? Of course I do!
17. Do any of your best friends/friends annoy you? In some cases, yes. However, that's life.
18. Would you get married if you could right now? I am married, and I'd marry the same person again, yes.
19. Where is your number one person on your friends list? I don't have a friends list, but I would assume that all of my bestest friends are doing Saturday things right now.
20. Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to in person? Beast. He is sitting across the room from me. I don't remember what we said.
21. Do you prefer warm or cold weather? Warm with a hint of brisk.
22. What do you wear more jeans, sweatpants, or slacks? Jeans, City Manager be damned!!!!!
23. Do fish have feelings? I haven't worked up the nerve to ask.
24. is doing a casting call for a TV series.
25. Would you rather watch football or baseball? Football. No contest whatsoever.
26. Do you feel like dancing? Having a Leo Sayres
27. is feeling cubic.
28. Do you burn easily in the sun? I have blindingly white skin so yes.
29. is primed and ready to go.
30. What made you happy today? Driving a ginormous tank-like car home without hurting it.
31. Who were the last people to hug you at work? Beast and Sparky. And CT, but that was a few weeks ago.
32. Have you ever kissed someone with braces? I'm giggling. Yes. And in virtually every way that sentence can be taken, too.
33. is feeling a little paranoid.
34. What is the wallpaper on your phone? Some generic thing that came with it. I hate all the choices I have for wallpaper and would prefer to have none at all.
35. Ever kissed a blue eyed blonde haired person? I think someone in my family has blue eyes with blonde hair. Otherwise, I don't think so.
36. What was the best thing that happened to you last year? In 2007? I survived. The mission trip last summer was pretty cool. Not having to move our library database to S!rs! was AWESOME!
37. Who is the eighth person in your phone book? Dunno--the phone is in the kitchen; I'm in the living room.
38. is counting the dimples in a golf ball.
39. Have you ever taken a shower while you were drunk or high? No clue. Possibly. It didn't exactly end up as a memorable moment, though, since I can't remember it.
40. and 41. are ... well, you probably don't want to know what they are doing....
42. Are you currently pregnant/have you recently gotten someone pregnant? Nope. No chance of either of those choices.
43. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? I have friends who are boys. Beast frowns on me dating, however.
44. is in the recording studio.
45. Are your parents in love? Plock
46. Who is in your house right now? Me, Beast, Sparky, Ruka and Buddy. And Roomba, who is working his little engine out.
47. Have you ever thought you were gonna die? No. I have, however, had moments of wishing I could die.
48. Do you have a hard time admitting you're wrong? I'm never wrong! (hee) Not really; I am perfectly able to say I goofed up.
49. What color is your laundry basket? We have several: some are white, some are beige, one is blue, one is green...and I think there are some others too.
50. is on a road trip.
51. Does your coat contain fur? I shed my coat for summer. {and, no}
52. What are you listening to? Roomba.
53. What are your favorite colors?
The colors of my life
Are softer than a breeze.
The silver gray of eiderdown,
The dappled green of trees.
The amber of a wheat field,
The hazel of a seed,
The crystal of a raindrop,
Are all I'll ever need.
. . .
I'll fill my days with sage and brown
The colors of the earth,
. . .
"It's your own fault, Charity Barnum! If you only would have asked a few logical questions before ya married 'im, you would've put a healthy distance between yourself and a fella who wants to [pause] give the whole world a paint job!
Which I'm not so sure it needs!"


1. Would you rather have a girlfriend/boyfriend, or friends with benefits? What I've got now is all of the above and that's fine.
2. Do you tell your best friends everything? No. And yes.
3. How have you felt today? Fine. Why? What have you heard?
4. When was the last time you had butterflies? Eons. Just...eons. I can't remember. Maybe before Youth Sunday services? Or not. I honestly don't remember.
5. and 6. are varnishing their boat.
7. Do you have any siblings? Yes. Again, why? What have you heard.
8. When was the last time you talked to your #2? Oh, now that is just GROSSS!
9. is in Germany on a business trip.
10. Something you say often? "OK. So."
11. Have you ever cried and didn't know why? Welcome to winter at Chez Cat!!
12. What are you wearing on your feet? Skin with an attractive thin layer of dirt on the bottoms. Also, on the toes, mauve nail polish with pale purple over the top.
13. Last person you talked to on IM? Beast, yesterday. He's the main reason I keep the meebo window in my blog. The rest of you could use it too, but you don't (except for my Official Stalker). Boo, all of you!
14. Do you have plans for today? I need to go do Round One of packing.
15. Do you like your name? It's fine.
16. What color are your fingernails? They are fingernail-colored: clear.
17. What's your favorite song? Today I'm thinking a lot about "A Mighty Fortress" because it was one of my dad's favorites.
18. What phone do you have? The same one I had before. Unless you mean land-line in which case our provider is Verizon (because we have no choice) and we have four different brands of phones in the house.
19. is trying to get into a bar. And failing.
20. Do you have feelings for anyone, and if so, do they know? I have feelings for lots of people. The ones for whom I have good feelings know. The rest probably don't need to know, nor would they care.
21. Things you first notice about the opposite sex: The way they walk and their smile.
22. Last person you sat next to: Sparky.
23. Last time you were disappointed? Last night when no one showed up for a meeting.
24. Do you like being in pictures? This sounds like an old-fashioned way of asking if I'm in movies. I don't care one way or another about being in still photos or movies. Especially if I don't have to see myself!
25. is digging and diving.
26. Are you happy at the moment? I am content.
27. Do you tend to fall for people easily? I tend to obsess over people easily, but just as easily stop.
28. Is your bedroom window open? No, the a/c is on.
29. Do you have any tattoos? If so which hurt the most? I don't, so plock on you!
30. is off at the beach with his buddies.
31. Last time you fell down? Why? I slid off the couch one day recently onto my butt. Just coordinated that way, I guess.
32. could really use a new pair of glasses.
33. Who was the last person to call you? Still Jean, as noted above.
34. What were you doing at midnight tonight? I hope I'm sleeping. Depends on who is doing SNL tonight, I guess.
35. Would you rather be cheated on, or with? Cheaters never prosper. Neither.
36. Last person you rode in a car with? Sparky.
37. What do you hear right now? Beast's fan, some random noises from's really quiet in here!
38. Who was the last person to wear your clothes? I'm the only girl in the household: how likely is it that ANYone would wear my clothes besides me?!
39. What is the first thing you did when you woke up? This morning? I think it involved the word "ouch!" My neck/shoulder has been spasming all day again. Thank GOD for Flexeril!
40. What woke you up? I'd been in bed for over 8 hours; I think it was just time to get up.
41. What was your last thought before going to sleep? "...take off glasses..." mmmmfffff
42. Do you like fire? In moderation. I love to watch flames in campfires and fireplaces.
43. Do you wish on stars? I never really have, no.
44. Who was the last person you ran into unexpectedly? I can't think of anyone, but one of the women with whom I work backed into someone who used to work with both of the parking lot of a library in another town. How weird is that??
45. What was the last thing you ate? An Oreo.
46. Who do you talk to the most in your classes? I talk to everyone, since I'm usually teaching "my classes."
47. What's the greatest thing that happened to you today? Getting a new watch...?
48. How many TRUE best friends do you have? Oh, plock!!
49. Would you rather get up early or sleep in? I like watching the sun rise, but I never go to bed early enough to do that. I suspect this week I'll see some early mornings though.
50. Tell me about the shirt you're wearing: An old white T-shirt with a Gary Larson-esque print on it and the saying "The Museum of Moodern Art."
51. What would you change about your life right now? I'd like a new body, please. This one is wearing out.
52. Would you rather smile over a lie or cry over the truth? I'm much more interested in the truth, thanks.
53. What's on your bedroom floor right now? Three throw rugs, furniture and a garbage can.
54. Who's the last person you got into an argument with? Either Beast or Sparky, but it's been a couple of days.
55. Do you trust people? Yes. Till they prove that I shouldn't.
56. Do you like anybody right now? Uh-huh.
57. Who's the last text message you received from? No clue.

92 questions someone thinks people wouldn't ask but people actually really do ask

1. Name a quote from the song you're listening to. I'm not listening to any songs, so I'll just yank a random one: "Speck isn't studded / And I flex unwillingly..."
2. Do your jeans have rips, holes and tears in them? I have one pair that's pretty torn up at the hem, and another that's got holes in the knees. But right now I'm not wearing jeans.
3. Have you ever kissed someone you weren't dating? Well, shYEAHHH!
4. What are you seriously wearing? I'm seriously wearing nothing. I'm ludicrously wearing a T-shirt and jersey clamdiggers.
5. When is the last time you saw the person you like/liked? If Beast counts, I can see him now.
6. Ever kissed anyone on your top friends? Yep (so far this is the most repetitive survey ever!).
7. Describe the last time you were injured? As mentioned before, my shoulder/neck is messed up again. I'm going to have to go to the doctor and get a referral to PT if it doesn't improve.
8. Do you get the full 8 hours of sleep a night? Not in recent memory, not every night. Maybe once a week I might get close. Which means I'm done for this week, eh?
9. Think of all your exes. Would you take any of them back? No.
10. On your "lazy days" what would you be doing? This: meming.
11. Of all your friends, who would you want to be stuck in a well with? Only the smallest of them. ;-)
12. Most recent movie you have watched in theatres? We saw "Speed Racer." It was better than the reviewers have given it credit for.
13. Who was the last person to slap your butt? You should be able to spot him easily by the smoking hole in his chest from the glare he received. Oh, and his name is Beast.
14. Favorite toy as a child? Jacks. Jumprope. My brother's toy cars. The hula hoop. Books. Obviously, it depended on the mood I was in.
15. Do you own a pair of Converse? No, but I'm considering getting a pair.
16. Who did you copy and paste this survey from? See the very top line of this post.
17. Do you eat cookie dough? Oh, yeah!
18. Have you ever kicked a vending machine? No, but I've sworn at a lot and banged with my hand on some as well.
19. When was the last time you had gummy bear? Months and months ago.
20. What color are your bedsheets? Pale blue.
21. Do people consider you smart? I hope so.
22. What temperature is it outside right now? 78.5
23. Have you ever stayed online for a very long time waiting for someone? Yes.
24. Could you live without a computer? Sure. I will be, this week. Long-term, no. I wouldn't have a job, for one thing!
25. Do you have an iPod? I have a Creative Zen.
26. What movie do you know every line to? "...Holy Grail", "Jesus Christ Superstar", "Evita" "Caddyshack"....
27. Last time you had butterflies in your stomach? Seriously: redundant much?
28. Last person you hugged? Beast. It was Assault With Intent to Hug.
29.Had a long distance relationship? When Beast and I were dating, we lived in two different states one summer.
30. is running for the car because of lightning.
31. At what age did you start noticing the opposite gender? They were hard to miss all along. If you mean 'romantically', probably 10 or so, but I was pseudo-engaged at age 5 so I'm not sure exactly how to answer this.
32. Do you know someone who likes you? Yup.
33. How do you handle a rainy day? Ironically, as I was bolding the question, it thundered. I handle rain by staying inside and waiting for it to pass. Lately, you can add "hoping it doesn't turn into a tornado" to the list of things I do.
34. Do you tend to be aware of what is going on around you? In my immediate vicinity, yes.
35. Are you cold? I'm just perfect right now, thanks.
36. Do you have a lot to learn? Don't we all?
37. Have you ever dreamt a dream that came true? Sort of.
38. is on the 9th hole at Augusta.
39. Are you a patient person? I can be. I can also be wildly impatient. It all just depends.
40. Are you an impatient person? Oops. See above.
41. Do you prefer Disney or Warner Brothers? Given those two choices, I prefer anarchy.
42. When do you feel your life energy is the strongest? When I feel loved.
43. Are you with someone right now? In virtually every way possible, yes.
44. Next time you'll take a shower? Tomorrow a.m.
45. Is anyone on your bad side now? There are a couple of people who seem to be marooned there semi-permanently.
46. What jewelry are you wearing? Three rings and a watch.
47. Who is/are your favorite singers/band? U2, Charlotte Church, Dolly Parton, Melissa Etheridge, John Mellencamp, Angelique Kidjo, Paul Simon, TobyMac, Nicole C. Mullen, Howard Jones....
48. Next kiss? At this point, it'll probably be a bedtime kiss from someone.
49. Do you watch Grey's Anatomy? Nope.
50. How do people spell your name? Badly and wrong quite often.
51. Would you wear your boyfriend's/girlfriend's clothes? I would if he doesn't want them. I just 'inherited' a polo shirt today, in fact.
52. How's your life going as of right now? Good, thanks. Yours?
53. Do you think you're ugly? Not as a rule.
54. How's your heart? Fine. Why? What have you heard?
55.Last line of a song you heard? "Wanted dead or alive"
56. What are you doing tomorrow? Packing, going to church, leaving on our mission trip.
57. Can you honestly say your happy with who you are? Getting there.
58. Is it cute when a boy calls you babe? Only if I know them prettydamnwell.
59. What did you do last night? Ate out (at C0lem@ans) outside for the first time this summer. Caught up on ALL my blogs. Went to bed semi-early.
60. Will you keep your last name when you get married? I did, because Beast's last name alone SUX!
61. Would you rather be drunk or high? If both pot and alcohol were legal, I'd probably rather be high. But I'll go with slightly tipsy instead.
62. When is the last time you left your house? I brought the living room rugs in from the porch about 10 minutes ago so they wouldn't get wet in the incipient rain.
63. Look through your window: what do you see? A whole lotta people crying don't blame me. And the front porch/yard.
64. Who is someone you have drifted from? My entire family except Elizabeth.
65. Who's the last person that you felt stalked by? I don't think I've ever been stalked, at least not recently. Thank God!
66.Do you like anyone? Oh, for PLOCK's sake!!!
67.Do they know? Meh plock.
68. is studying ancient history.
69. Do you have a dishwasher? Yup.
70. Have you ever been knocked unconscious? The only times I have ever lost consciousness were the two times I blacked out drunk and when I was in the midst of labor. I don't think I really was unconscious, but I'm missing large chunks of time in all of those cases.
71. Would you survive in prison? I don't really thrive in places where people tell me what to do all the time. I would undoubtedly die a painful, lingering death.
72. If all of your friends were going on a road trip, would you? Sure. I love road trips.
73. Have you ever swallowed a non-food item by mistake? Yes. I have two friends who have swallowed pins/needles, years apart from each other. Weird.
74. Would you allow one of your little fingers to be cut off for $200,000? No, really, that's ok. I need all ten to type and play the flute.
75.Who is number 1 on your top 8? Plock
76. What can you not wait to do?Hold my grandbabies.
77. Do you know anyone with the same name as you? Exact same first name, no. However, the traditional spelling of my first name is VERY common. My best friend in school had that name.
78. How many pairs of shoes do you own? Plockety-four.
79. What's the last thing you ate & why? Oreo, because I rediscovered them in the cupboard.
80. Are you a friendly person? I can be, yes.
81. is shooting layups.
82. Have you kissed anyone with a name that starts with an "A"? Ayup.
83.What's the worst thing someone can do to you? Killing me seems like a real bad possibility....
84. What's your middle name? It's a book of the Bible. No, not that one; the other one.
85. Where is your cell phone? Recharging in the kitchen.
86. How are you sitting? With my legs bend. I've heard that's the best way.
87. is printing campaign brochures.
88. Ever been to Georgia? No. Not yet.
89. Do you flirt a lot? No intentionally.
90. What do you call your parents? Mom and Dad.
91. What irritates you most on the internet? Pages that won't load, or that are so full of random crap that they load slowly.
92. Do you watch movies with your parents? Uh, no.

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