(from here)
About you and your other half.
A lot about you!
How old are you? 44
When is your birthday? Early- to mid-November.
Are you looking forward to it? It's almost 8 months away. I can wait.
Why? The only reason I might be vaguely interested in it is that I will be a nice round number: 9 x 5
Are you happy? Mostly.
What makes you happiest? My health and the health of those around me.
Are you afraid of something? Yup.
Do you live alone, or with someone else? With others.
Who? The three boys, if you count the guinea pig.
Do you have any pets? Technically, no.
What is your favorite cartoon? Unshelved.
Have you ever hit a deer? No. I'm hoping to avoid doing that forever.
Do you drink? I have the equivalent of about two glasses of wine a month.
Do you prefer beer or liquor? No beer for me. Wine or the hard stuff only.
What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink? Say it with me, y'all: Diet Dr. Pepper.
What kind of cell phone do you have? An LG flip.
Do you like it? Yes, except I'd like more wallpaper options.
What is the funniest word you ever heard? Plock.
Do you hate it when people call you "dear"? I don't mind it so much when older people do it. Otherwise, yeah, it's annoying. I use it on others when I'm feeling really snarky.
To whom have you sent the most text messages? Beast.
What did you do for St. Patrick's Day? Went to the eye dr. Ate cookies with green icing. Not much, generally.
Were there lots of pictures? On St. Pat's? No....
What is your favorite movie? Heathers.
What is your favorite song? Today: "Singin' in the Bathtub" (inside joke from college)
What concerts do you want to see in 2008? Judging by previous years, I've already over-filled my quota, having been to one already. I don't have any others I'm dying for.
Do you have any tattoos? Nope.
Where is your favorite place to chill out? Right here.
What is your favorite song to play on Guitar Hero? Never played it.
Do you work out? I work outside the home, yes. I do as little exercise as feasible.
Do you wear any jewelry? Three rings: always. Earrings: usually. Necklace: when I think of it.
What is your favorite memory of the past couple of years? The kids, "getting it" last summer.
What is your goal for the year? Detox. I'm doing that big-time today. This, by the way, has nothing really to do with alcohol or drugs. I'm talking about detoxing from the idiocies of life: unfriendly 'friends', useless guilt, etc.
What do you think about when you first wake up? By the time I'm really awake most mornings, I'm already online. Most of my morning routine is static: radio off, glasses on, pee, pill, Dr. Pepper, computer.
Do you shower daily? I shower or bathe daily, usually alternating.
Have you ever eaten sushi? Nope, I like my animals cooked before I eat 'em.
Did you like it? n/a
List three things you can't live without: I'm going to posit the obvious needs (air, water, food, etc.) and go with love, sleep, and laughter.
What is your best physical feature? Nose? Ears? Ankles?
What is your middle name? It's a book of the Bible.
Do you get choked up during dramatic movies? I cry in movies a lot.
What is your biggest pet peeve? Today it would be people's impatience with each other.
Have you ever liked someone that all of your friends hate? Of course. Usually, my friends have been proven correct, though. ;-)
Is there anything that you regret? Of course.
Do you want children? Got what I need, thanks.
How many? One is good.
Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket? Yup.
What is your favorite number? 16.
What is your favorite sports team? Duhhhh: The Pack!
What is your most over-used phrase? In our household is "I don't care--whatever you want to do."
What do you not say enough? "No, I'll do the laundry this year, Beast!"
You and your other half:
Did you get over your ex, or are you over him/her? Isn't this the same thing? What am I missing? Yes, I'm so over him that I don't really remember which one was technically an ex.
Are you currently with someone? Yes. Otherwise, why do this section of questions?
Do you love him/her? He is awesome: yes.
Who said "I love you" first? Me.
Where? Good God, I have no idea! That was 24 years ago, or more.
Would you date your ex again? Which one? But, no.
What is your longest relationship? 22.6 years married, and we were together like two years before that.
What is your most significant relationship? One is tempted to say one's parents, if only because they created the template with which I've lived my life. Currently, however, it's Beast of course.
What is the most romantic thing a significant other can do? PAY ATTENTION! ;-)
Do you like pet names? Gaaahhhhh. Not really, no.
Do you have any? I think by now he has figured out that I'm just not a 'pet name' kinda gal. He teases me sometimes with cutesy stuff: "Hey Baby!" or whatever, but "Sweetums" but only when he's trying to annoy me.
Is there anything that you won't tolerate in a relationship? Lack of respect for myself and for our relationship. Luckily, this has not been an issue.
Do you believe in living together before engagement/marriage? I don't think it's such a bad thing to get to know each other's habits to make sure you don't clash in any earth-shattering ways.
Where did you meet your significant other? College. In my dorm room.
Have you ever broken up? With Beast? Yes. Twice, I think.
Have you ever had your heart broken? Yes, but not really by Beast.
Have you ever broken someone's heart? Yes.
What is your significant other's birthday? Six days after mine.
What is your anniversary? The day after Independence Day. Ironic much?
Does this person know you better than anyone else? Hella yes!
Is this person younger than you? Yes, and for a week every year, he refuses to let me forget it.
Where was your first date? An alone-together date? Actually, it was Homecoming...sophomore year in college? Or did we go freshman year? Shit, maybe it was! Wow. I'd forgotten ALL about that!
Would you marry this person? Been there, done it, bought several versions of the T-shirt
Are you happy with your sex life? Yep.
Who is "Your" band? "Our" band is, according to Beast, Styx. I hate shit like this, though, because I think Styx is fucking annoying!
What is "Your" song? "Babe" by Styx. It has proven prophetic in the extreme: "Babe I'm leavin' I must be on my way..."
Do you think you'll be together for a long time? Til death, etc.
Do you lay in bed and cuddle a lot? Not as often as we used to.
Where was the last place you went together? He drove me to my car this afternoon.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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