from Allison....
Your best friend tells you she is pregnant. What is your reaction? Call the Vatican. Direct dial God. Wow, that would be pretty amazing news!!
When is the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face? Seriously? I can't remember. There are two people at work, though, to whom I'd pay to see that done. And several patrons, too. ;-)
What is the last thing you spent money on? Groceries: pop and a chocolate bunny for Sparky.
Do you think you gained or lost weight this past month? DEFINITELY gained.
Crunchy or Puffy Cheetos? Crunchy. I don't like the puffy kind.
Congratulations! You just had a son. What's his name? Ack--see my response for the first question! But assuming he's adopted, we'll go with...uh...fuckit--David!
Congratulations! You just had a daughter. What's her name? See previous intro, but the answer is easy: Jo.
What are you craving right now? ANYdamnthing!!
What was the last thing you cried about? Arguing about stupid shit.
When you buy something and your change is 2 cents, do you keep it or tell the cashier to keep it? I put it in the "free change" thing if there is one.
What color is your tissue box? The one nearest me is blue.
Do you have a ceiling fan in your room, and if so, is there dust on that fan? We have ceiling fans in all the bedrooms, the office and the living room. There is dust on ALL of them! The office probably has a good 1/2"--gack. Our room is probably in the best shape.
Scariest thing you've experienced in the last year? Myself.
Do you wear a name tag at work? I'm supposed to. I usually remember when I'm at a service desk.
Have you ever had a garage sale? Yes. NEVER again.
What color is your iPod? My mp3 is a black Zen.
What is the last alcoholic beverage you had? A glass of Riesling last week.
Are you happy right now? Overall, yes.
Who came over last? Absolutely no idea. It's winter: no one goes anywhere in winter.
Do you drink beer? No. Plock.
Have your brothers or sisters ever told you that you were adopted? I look just like my sisters and father. However, when I was young, I was sure I was kidnapped: my family was just too weird.
What is your favorite key on your key chain? WTF? Uh, the one I use most often is the truck key. I guess I would say a suitcase key...except I don't lock 'em anymore.
What was the last movie you watched at home? No idea.
What is in your pocket? Nothing. Just got out of the shower and haven't restocked the pockets.
Where do you hurt? I have a huge hunger headache.
Has someone ever made you a Build-A-Bear? No, and thanks: no.
What's something fun you did today? Memed. And cleaned.
What is your favorite aisle at Wal-Mart? I'm a sucker for electronics. But I don't really "hang out" at Wal-Mart.
When is your birthday? Still in November. Plock.
Is there anything hanging from your rear view mirror? No. Things like that annoy me in my car. The mirror is just in a bad place.
What kind of milk do you drink? On those VERY rare occasions when I drink milk: skim.
What is something you need to go shopping for? Another futon pad for Sparky's 'bed.' And paint for the kitchen. And wallpaper & paint for ALL the bathrooms!
Sunday night
5 years ago
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