(From here)
Elvis knocked on your door holding a cup of coffee? Guess it's my time to check out. Elvis is dead. Not sure what the coffee means....
The grim reaper showed up at you door to take all your stuffed animals away? Why would the grim reaper need or want stuffed animals? I suddenly feel as if I'm in a Terry Pratchett novel!
You were trapped in a Dr. Pepper bottle? I'd have to be MUCH smaller. Guess I'd wait for the bottle to break.
Avril Lavigne came to your house asking for a million bucks? Realistically, I'm not sure I'd recognize her in person, and I certainly wouldn't give her any money!
I sent a box of indigo crayons to your house? I like blue, but not that much. Guess they'd go to church or the library for use with the kids.
Your best friend turned into a monkey? Some of my best friends ARE monkeys!
Skittles took over the world? Not likely: no opposable (sp?) thumbs.
Fergie came to your house asking you to sing with her? You'd have to pay me a lot of money to sing with her!
You ran over Criss Angel?? Well, call the ambulance, duh!
Criss Angel made you disappear? That would not alleviate the stress in my life, quite honestly.
Do you want to die old or young? Old
If a zebra was the only thing on earth would you marry it? If we can't figure out gay marriage, I'm pretty sure that inter-species marriage is right off the table. On the other hand, if no one was here, what's the point? And anyway, no. I'm not Catherine the Great!!
Do you know who Criss Angel is? In an extremely vague sense.
If so do think he is fake? That would be his job: faking us out.
Can you fit a soda can in your mouth? No. I have a very small mouth, believe it or not. ;-)
Did you just try? No.
Can you touch your tongue to your elbow? No (and yes, I did just try).
What do you want to dress up as for Halloween this year? It's highly unlikely that my teenager will allow me to dress up on Halloween (or at least be seen in costume). And that's fine with me.
What is your favorite candle scent? Linen.
Would you go up to a stranger and say I am poor, can you give me 10 bucks? No, because it's not currently true.
Have you ever eaten a leaf? Yup, pretty much every time I have a salad.
Do you know what Ed.D. stands for? Yes.
Do you know someone by the name Ms. Camble? Nope.
Would you ride a camel if they had a camel ride at the zoo? Camels scare the spit outta me.
What is your favortie type of fish? Seahorses.
Do you wear bobby pins in your hair? Extremely rarely.
Do you play tag in Wal-Mart? Uh, hello? I'm old, let's be real. ;-)
How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? Don't think woodchucks have opposable thumbs either, so chucking anything would be somewhat challenging.
Has someone ever made you upchuck? Someone? No, I don't think so.
Does your mom's name start with an H? No, but she has a couple in her name.
Do you know all the words to the national anthem? I know the first verse.
What color are your nails? Clear with white spots (i.e., no polish).
What is your favorite Disney movie? The Lion King
Do you know who Walt Disney is? In broad terms, yes, I knew who he WAS.
Have you ever been to Disney World? Yes.
Which Disney princess do you like the most? I loathe them all about equally.
Do you own a Mickey Mouse shirt? Ish, no.
Do you own anything from the Disney store in the mall? Eccchhh, no.
Do you like Winnie the Pooh? I love the original books. I hate what Disney has done with them.
In Cinderella which was your favorite stepsister? Cinderella, by default.
Answer only if you have a stepmom? Is your step mom like the one in Cinderella? N/A
Do you want to go to Disney World? I'd like to go back and see the rest of Epcot, and also some of the non-park stuff we missed last time.
What do you look for in a boy? In men--and in people generally--I look for kindness and humor.
Did you used to think boys had cooties? "Used to?" They DO have cooties!
Do you think life was easier when you thought boys had cooties? Er...?
Have you ever had your heart broken? Yep. Coming around again soon, too.
Do u get tips from magazines to help you with boy stuff? I NEVER read the kinds of magazines that give me tips to help me with boy stuff. Ugh.
Did some of them work? ...puke...
Do you want a boy that is taller than you or smaller than you? The boy (i.e. man) that I've got is taller.
What personality trait do you look for in a guy? Didn't we cover this?
Have you ever smacked a guy really hard? I used to punch Beast in the stomach regularly, to make sure he was doing his situps. ;-) I don't do it anymore because I know he doesn't do situps.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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