from Allison
1. Do you wake up cranky? Once in awhile, but not often.
2. If an ex said he hates you, [what would] you say? I'd be so stunned to hear from him that I'd be unable to speak.
3. Would you curse in front of your parents? I try not to.
4. If a fairy godmother comes into your life, [what would you do]? Ask what the catch is.
5. What is your current annoyance? I'm not really annoyed right now.
6. Do you like drama? No. Well, onscreen: yes. Otherwise: no.
7. What kind of camera do you have? Canon Sureshot.
8. Last time you were on a boat and where? Uh, a moving boat? Last time we were in Maine, in 2000, in a rowboat when I was freaked the fuck out! I may have been on a stationary boat since then, but I don't remember.
9. Do you take daily vitamins or medications? I take three prescription drugs, but I no longer take vitamins.
10. Where is your computer located? On my lap right now.
11. Would you ever eat cow poop? gaaah...not intentionally!!
12. What was the last item you bought? Gas for Beast's car.
13. What country has the best food? The worst, overall, is England. The best...uh...Italy, I think.
14. Last time you used a coupon? I rarely use coupons. Maybe the last pizza coupon, which was awhile ago.
14. Are you afraid of rollercoasters? Not afraid, but don't care about 'em either.
15. If your best friend told you there [sic] moving, [what would your reaction be]? Where are "they" moving? If it was someone who currently was fairly close by, I'd be very sad, but not overly shocked. If it were Beast...uh, that would be rather shocking. Otherwise, I don't live near most of my friends anyway.
15. Would you rather go to a party or out of town? Out of town, to someplace warm!
16. Apple Bottom Jeans or Hollister gift card? No clue about the jeans, but I'm soooooooooo not shopping in Hollister!
17. Do you think your [sic] dumb? I know that I know how to spell better than some people. I know I'm not stupid, but I can be really moronic.
18. Say a random word? Creativity
19. Do you wear anything with skulls? No. I don't really worship death.
20. What is/was your school mascot? In high school, the Pirates. In Colorado. Go figure.
21. Do you own a class ring or letterman jacket? Not anymore.
22. At what age do you want to be married? For awhile yet.
23. Is divorse an option? Heh. Not right now.
24. What color is your luggage? Black?
25. Where and when did you last go on vacation? Last summer's trip around the mid-Atlantic and northernmost Southern states.
26. Where is your mom right now? Probably getting ready for bed in her room.
27. What are you suppose[d] to be doing right now? Nothing really.
28. What is your 5 year plan? In five years, Sparky will be in college, and I will be somewhere warm instead of here in February!!
29. What is your 10 year plan? More traveling. I don't really do serious long-term planning. Can you tell?
30. One wish? Contentment and acceptance with life.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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