Saturday, February 2, 2008

Saturday 8

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friends and foes

1. do you have a family member that you cannot stand? who are they, and why?
I can't be around my brother-in-law Jan for more than a few days before I start plotting devious ways to kill him. He makes me crazy, mostly because I feel as if he baits me (and others) in order to annoy us (them). Who needs that?
2. have you had a previously-detested family member turn into someone you very much liked (they matured, apologised for a past wrong, etc.)? what happened?
I've gotten better at dealing with my mother over the past few years, just because neither of us brings up the knee-jerk subjects anymore.
3. when was the last time a family member embarrassed you in public? what happened?
Happens regularly. Too many times to count. Jan does it every time we're in public, in very mortifying ways. However, Beast and Sparky have their moments of "head-meet-wall" moments, not to mention all the ways I find to embarrass myself!
4. when was the last time YOU did something to embarrass your family in public (or private)?
Oh, I regularly embarrass Sparky on purpose. It's so easy right now!!
5. what was the last big spat you had with a friend? what happened?
I'm still a little annoyed with LauraK about last March, but she doesn't know (or,
6. when was the last time a friend was in trouble? were you able to help them out?
Yes. I think so. I hope so. I was told I did.
7. has a friend ever done something very bad (or embarrassing, or possibly illegal?), and left you either holding the bag or left you to clean up the aftermath? are you still friends with that person?
No. And if it happened, I wouldn't be very friendly anymore, no.
8. when was the last time you "got even" with someone? do you regret it?
I don't get even. I get over it, move on. And kill them. (OK, not really.) There's just no point in holding on to this sort of thing.

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