Saturday, February 2, 2008


(found here)

Phase the first
Dorkus Malorkus

Who is your favorite videogame character and what have they taught you?
I have no favorite characters. I create my own with the Sims, and when they annoy me, I flip to a different household for awhile.
Do you now, or have you ever owned dice with more than 6 sides.
I don't, but there are several...MANY...multi-sided dice in this house.
Do you spend more than 4 hours a week playing a 'character' (WoW...Second Life...whaddeva)
Nope. If I start playing The Sims, I have a very hard time doing anything else.
Have you ever turned down a date or amorous activity to play a videogame or RPG?

Phase the second
"Cheer up emo kid!"

Do you take medication for any psychological problems?
I take anti-depressants for about 5 months of the year, during the winter, so that I don't wig out and can stay married. Otherwise--if I don't take them--I'd have to move out because Beast and Sparky would KILL ME! Unless I killed myself first, of course.
Would you say you are happier or less happy than those around you?
I'm average.
Do you favor dark colors in clothing?
I wear a lot of dark clothes, but part of that is that wearing pastels in difficult. In the summer, my clothes are brighter.

Phase the third
"teh sex"

Would you enjoy spending every night for a week in bed with a VERY attractive person of the sex you favor even having no sex whatsoever? winter, this sounds like a perfectly acceptable prospect!
Rate yourself as a lover from 1-10.
I'll have to plead the Fifth on that, but I've never heard much complaining.
What song would be the sound track to your sex life?
I am drawing a complete blank here. can't even think of anything funny!!

Phase the fourth

Have you ever hit someone with a closed fist in anger?
Nope. Seems like a great way to break my hand.
Have you ever been hit in anger with a closed fist?
I don't believe I have. Thank God. There's one experience I'd like to have remain as as mystery.
What's the maddest you have ever been?
There have been a couple of times I literally saw red when dealing with Sparky when he was younger. I physically had to remove myself from his presence for fear of what could happen if I didn't.

Phase the fifth

What are the things that make you happiest?
Being with friends, traveling new places and seeing amazing new things, sitting in the sun on a spring day, a hard job done well, holding a baby, drifting off to sleep after a long day.
What is the happiest you have ever been?
Sparky's confirmation last year, moving into this house, Beast's graduation with his MBA, cuddling with Sparky when he was a baby, jumping rope in the sun as a child.
Are you happy this instant?
I'm very content right now. I don't think happy is in the works for awhile, though tomorrow will be fun.

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