1) Who is the biggest hypocrite you have ever met?
Probably my brother. No, I think I'll go with Dean, my brother-in-law. I think addiction makes one into a huge hypocrite.2) "I usually cry daily, but right now all that does is mess up my eyes more, so I'm trying very hard not to."
3) Name some of your superstitions and explain why you think you believe in them.
I tend to knock wood when I say something like "It's been awhile since anyone at work got sick" in order to prevent it. I don't think I really believe in it; it's just a habit. I can't think of anything else, but I know I have a few others, but I really do consider them all habits, not superstitions that I actually believe in.4) What one thing in your life would you most like to complete?
Learning and achieving my purpose for being.5) Show and Tell. What comes to mind first when you see this picture? Or, tell a story if it reminds you of one.

I love statuary. I 'get it' in a way that a lot of 2-dimensional art doesn't really work (as well) for me. I like seeing the shape emerge from the block of marble, the parts emerging from the forms in the case of bronze, and how the parts work together to keep it stable. I also like seeing the intricacies of the design: look at the folds in Hamilton's coat and the ruffles of his cravat! Awesome.
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