Friday, February 8, 2008


(more from here)

+ Have You EVER? +

01. Dyed your hair a really outrageous colour? Nope.

02. Worn more than 2 layers of clothing when it was really hot? WTF? No, of course not.

03. Taken more painkillers in one day than you were supposed to? Supposed to? According to the packaging, yes. According to the doctor, no.

04. Killed an animal accidentally? Yes.

05. Been to a gig? Yep

06. Taken more than 20 pictures of yourself in one day? Gork. No.

07. Told yourself you were pretty? On occasion. Usually it's more along the lines of "good enough."

08. Kissed a random stranger? No.

09. Been fired from a job? Yep. For telling the truth.

010. Been yelled at by an authority figure in front of a shitload of others? Welcome to my first full-time job.

011. Worn turquoise? Both the color and the stone...yes. I love turquoise jewelry.

012. Thought you were a monster? Yes.

013. Cut yourself deliberately? I found a razor blade once when I was quite young. I decided to see what the big deal was about and sliced open my left thumb (not deep). It didn't hurt a first, but I bled and bled and bled. This terrified me because of my sister's illness, which caused her blood to refuse to clot, similar to hemophilia. Of course, the bleeding slowed eventually, and that's when the pain started. That's the last time I did this on purpose, but unfortunately I've cut my fingers all too often since then. That's one reason we only buy pre-cut bagels now! :-)

014. Cut yourself for attention? No. I forgot to mention that I never told my parents about the razor blade incident because I knew I'd get in trouble. For being stupid, if for no other reason.

015. Worn gold jewellery? All my rings are gold (though one is white gold), and I have a gold necklace. I prefer silver.

016. Received flowers from a guy? Yes. My high school boyfriend brought me a dozen roses on our second or third date. My mom was somewhat horrified and the vase issue was problematic. Beast has done flowers on occasion, of course, as well.

017. Received chocolates from a guy? Yes, but I have asked Beast not to do this anymore. I just don't like it that much.

018. Given a blowjob? And from out of left field...! Yes.

019. Been bitten by a cat? Yes.

020. Thought you were going to die because of really bad period pains? I never had cramps that were this bad. I did once think my college roommate was going to die, however. I'm pretty sure she wished she could.

021. Sang really loud thinking there was nobody home when there was? No. However, I have sung really loud knowing there was someone home. My dad was deaf. ;-)

022. Fallen down stairs? Way too often.

023. Fallen up stairs? Yes. I am a pro at falling in general. Hence the noisy knees.

024. Seen a ghost? Nope.

025. HEARD a ghost? I heard my dad's voice say my name quite loudly in our kitchen (which he'd never seen) about two years after his death.

026. Met a celebrity? Yes.

027. Met your favourite band? Nope.

028. Dislocated something? No, I only misplace things, not dislocate them.

029. Been hit by a car? Not as a pedestrian.

030. Known someone who was murdered? Not exactly. I've known a few people who've killed themselves.

By Beccy at DarkestStar_Surveys [do not remove please]


1. Where were you at 3:00 this morning? In bed, asleep.

2. How did you get the idea for your MySpace name? I think I used "Cat." in some format or another, but I can't remember.

3. What are you listening to right now? Amy, are you paying attention: the Pebble Beach Pro-Am.

4. What color is your cell phone? Silver.

5. Do you click on pop-ups? No.

6. Do you own an iPod? I have a Zen.

7. What was the first thing you thought this morning? I actually have no memory of getting out of bed this morning. The first thing I remember is washing my eyes, for the first time of the day.

8. Is the person you like older or younger than you? The person I married is slightly younger than I.

9. What did you do last night? Came home from work early and watched the end of "Survivor" before taking a bath and going to bed.

10. What are the last two digits of your cell phone number? They are the speed Sammy Hagar didn't used to be able to drive.

11. What was the last thing that you had to eat? Grilled cheese sandwich.

12. Who is the last person of the opposite sex that you hugged? Beast.

14. What do you dislike at the moment? My sinuses/my eyes.

15. What food are you craving? I'm kinda not liking the whole concept of food right now.

16. What did you dream last night? I think I was in a coma last night. I have no clue what went on between 11 and 6.

17. What's the last TV show you watched? We've now switched to "How It's Made." (I hate this show...)

18. What is your favorite piece of jewelry? My anniversary ring.

19. Name 1 person on your Top Friends who is most like you? wev

20. Do you always lock your door? Which door? My car doors are always locked when I'm not inside. The outside doors of the house are almost always locked. The doors inside the house are rarely locked, with a couple of exceptions. Sparky occasionally locks his bedroom door when he's inside--he may actually lock it quite often, but I've only discovered it locked a few times.

21. Of the people you've kissed, how many do you regret kissing? None. They were all teaching moments of various kinds.

22. Who is the last person you hugged? Same as #12 above.

23. How many piercings/tattoos do you have? gaaaahhhhhhhhhh

24. Where's your favorite place to be? The mountains.

25. Who's someone you haven't seen in a while and miss? Aims.

26. When was the last text you sent? No. Idea.

27. Who is the last person you talked to on the phone? Beast, when he called this afternoon and woke me up.

28. Have you ever done anything to start trouble? Of course. Mostly, it hasn't been intentional, however.

29. Where do you wish you were right now? Someplace warm and sunny.

30. Where do you live? Upper Midwest.

31. How are you? meh

32. When do you think you'll be married? Now.

33. Did you ever think to yourself and wonder if you're really real?
Yes, ma'am.

34. What celebrities do people say you look like? I don't look like anyone famous, but I look like a LOT of other non-famous people, apparently!

35. Does it annoy you when someone says they'll call but don't? Only if I want them to call, and only if there's some reason why I can't call them.

36. Do you ever feel guilty about eating meat? Absolutely never. Ever.


Do you think you are perfect? Hah. No.

If you could, what flaw would you change about yourself? I'd have to randomize and select blindly. There are a few from which I could choose.

Have you ever had a near death experience? Kind of. Well, more than kind of. Near enough.

What do you want to be when you grow up? Less clueless.

Do you have a best friend? Yes.

Do you trust all your friends? To varying degrees, yes.

What friend are you closest to? Depends on the moment, but the answer would revolve among Beast, Amy, Jenny, and sometimes Linda.

If you could be an animal, which would you be? Wolf

Do you think you are a good person? Overall, yes.

Do you have a role model? I either have several or none; I'm not sure.

How many books are you reading right now? Six.

Which is more important: being on time to work or getting a manicure? Hah! Work. You'd probably disagree if you saw my hands, though.

Do you have any children? Yup.

If yes: would you go back in time and change this? Not in a million-quadrillion-googelzillion years.

If no: When do you want to have children if you do...? n/a

What is your favorite dessert? Cherry cheesecake.

What is your favorite holiday? Thanksgiving.

What is the longest you have held a job? 12 years.

Have you ever been embarrassed at work? All the bloody time!

What's your number one embarrassing moment if you can share? Crying to a library board member while sitting at the Reference Desk wasn't all that great, but things had gotten that bad and at the time I didn't really give a flying fuck.

I got yelled at today by Mr. Ick, who's apparently off his meds. That only bothered me from the standpoint of others around who might think I wasn't being overly helpful.

Do you consider yourself fearless? Hella no!!

What is your favorite vacation spot? Why? Hydra. Not too many people, very quiet, good food...SUN!

If there was a tornado what's the first thing you would grab? Sparky, Beast, a blanket and my cell phone.

Can you live without your cell phone? Yes.

Have you ever betrayed a friend? Don't think so. You might want to ask all my current and former friends, however.

What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Vanilla.

Have you ever broken a bone? Not of my own, or at least not confirmed.

Have you ever been on a cruise? Only short, afternoon-length, ones.

What has been the best year for you? 1986 was great. 1993 was pretty good too.

Where would you love to work? I love my job, but I wish it was in a better location in terms of climate.

What is your number one ambition in life? Don't fuck up other people's lives too much.

Can you write poetry? I can. I don't very often.

What has been your best halloween costume? A reanimated corpse. And no: that's not my usual look!

What has been your best Christmas gift? This here laptop.

Have you ever liked someone, but not told them? Welcome to my teenage years.

Are you shy? Yes, but I'm also a wonderful actress.

Do you like okra? Not at all.

Do you know what Bollywood is? Uh, yeah.

Would you want the ability to fly? Sure, why not?

Would you want the ability to make ppl fall in love with you? Not at all.

Can you speak Francais? Non, je ne peux pas. (thanks, Beast)

Favorite alcoholic drink? LIIT

Last time you were drunk? It's been quite awhile.

Ever regret doing something while drunk? Oh, yeah. Bigtime.

What reality show would you want to appear on? The Amazing Race.


1. So, what's the full name on your birth certificate? With the exception of one word, it's the same thing that's on my marriage license.

2. When was the last time you were told "I love you" and to whom? Sparky, almost two hours ago when he went to bed.

3. Suppose you see your boy/girlfriend kissing another person, what would you do? Kissing how? OK, like KISSING--if I saw Beast doing this I'd call a locksmith for the locks on the house, and then my attorney.

4. Is your phone within a meter radius of you? Nope. No phone is within 10 feet of me.

5. Look at your recent calls, who was your last call from? At home, Linda. My cell...uh, no idea.

6. What is bothering you right now? My sinuses.

8. Was New Year's enjoyable? Don't remember.

9. I'll bet you miss someone right now? You lose.

10. What does your last text message say? ....yawnnnnn...

11. Are you high? Nope.

12. What is your favorite color? Blue.

13. Is there a high chance of you going out to the movies soon? No.

14. How smart do you think you are? I know my IQ score, so that removes a great deal of doubt on that kind of 'smart' but I'm pretty clueless about oh-so-many things.

15. Can you surf? Only on the internet.

16. Are you easily scared by horror/thriller films? Absolutely!!!

17. If you were given $100, would you spend it or save it? Save.

18. If there was a large spider in the room, would you stay? Define "large." I don't mind spiders, but those in my vicinity are harmless and rarely more than an inch or so in size.

20. Last place you went out to eat? Six Balls, tonight, where I saw PTF again.

21. Where are you right now? On the sofa.

22. Are you listening to music right now? Nope.

23. In winter, would you rather wear jackets or hoodies? A coat.

24. Do you have any enemies? I'm sure there are people who don't like me.

25. What are you doing? Trying to stay awake.

26. What does your tenth text say? I've only got about 5 saved.

28. Ever kissed a blonde haired, blue eyed person? Uh...jeez, I know I've kissed a couple of blondes, but I honestly can't remember their eye color. I think they were brown, though.

I don't think anyone in my family has blue eyes AND blonde hair, either. How odd!

29. When was the last time you were truly happy with your life? I think happiness occurs in flashes. And some of those flashes have been this week.

30. Do you think long distance relationships are ever really worth it? Sure. Some of my best relationships--those with my family especially--are long-distance.

31. What are you thinking about right now? Sleeping.

32. When is the last time you made someone else cry? I think I've been pretty good for several months.

33. What last made you sad? A friend's father died yesterday.

34. Would you be able to date someone who had a kid with someone else? In theory, if I were single, sure.

35. Where did you last sleep other than your house? A hotel, but I don't remember when/where. It may have been last summer! HELLO! Sleepover at church last month! d'oh

36. What are you doing tomorrow? Laundry, prepping for babysitting with the youth group....

37. What are you doing tonight? Sleeping.

+ - Music Survey - +

01. What music, bands, and artists were popular at the time you were born? Peter, Paul & Mary; Beach Boys; Bobby Vinton; The Four Seasons...gawd I'm old!

02. Looking back now, do you like that kind of music or do you think it sucks? Some is great, some flat-out sux.

03. Do you think music has got a lot better over the past decade? No. See, I'm old.

04. What kind of music do your parents like? My mom always liked hymns and piano music in general, but I'm not sure she listens anymore. Dad loved opera. They both liked classical, as well.

05. Do you like any of it? Some.

06. Do you ever make fun of your siblings taste in music? No point.

07. What genre of music do you play the most? Rock and/or dance.

08. What do you listen to a little, but not often? folk

09. What genre do you refuse to ever listen to, and why? I'm not a fan of opera, though some is fine.

010. Are your favourite bands and artists pretty varied according to genre? Oh yeah!

011. What is most important when you are looking for new bands? Creativity and humor.

012. Is the backing music or vocals more important? Depends. I appreciate good musicianship.

013. What is your favourite vocal styles (i.e; rap, folky, country, operatic etc)? Rock, but really it's about maximizing what you're good at. If you can't do opera, don't do it!

014. If you could steal anyones singing voice to have for your own, whose would it be and why? Wouldn't turn down Melissa Etheridge's pipes.

015. Who are your favourite vocalists? Melissa's, Joan Osborne, Bono, Mary J. Blige, Freddie Mercury.

016. Do you listen to all your music on an ipod or mp3 player? Nope.

017. Or do you still listen to CDs (yay!)? Sometimes.

018. How many CDs do you own? Well under 200.

019. How often do you buy or download music? Never online.

020. What was the last band you got into? Can't think of anyone right now.

021. Do you find new bands on myspace? I've found nothing worthwhile on MySpace.

022. Do you play music REALLY loud so it drives your family mad? I occasionally do it to annoy Sparky.

023. Where do you buy or download your music? I don't download.

024. Have you ever formed a band? No.

025. If so, what was it called? N/A.

026. If you could form your own band; what would you name it? N/A.

027. What position in the band would you take? N/A.

028. Can you sing? Yes.

029. How many gigs have you been to? A few. Not many.

030. Have you ever been in a mosh pit? Complete anathema to me.

031. Have you ever met any of your favourite bands or singers? I met the BoDeans before they were anyone.

032. Do you like 80s music? Huh. Yeah.

033. Are you a fan of the 80s cheese? Not really.

034. Do you sing in the shower? Nope.

035. Have you ever sung in front of an audience? Yes.

036. If not, would you? N/A.

037. What is the most embarrassing CD you own? My musical taste does not embarrass me.

038. Who are your favourite solo artists? ME, JO, MJB ...etc. See above.

039. Who are your favourite bands? U2, Beatles, The Clash, Bon Jovi, Los Lonely Boys....

040. Do you play any instruments? Yes.

041. Do you own any band merchandise? Yes.

042. Do you wear band t-shirts often? Not in the winter!

043. Do you ever get emotional listening to some music? All the time!

044. What are your favourite songs? I have several...too tired to list any.

045. What is the saddest song you have ever heard? Depends on the timing and purpose. "Beautiful Boy" by John Lennon was played at a funeral once, and it nearly killed me.

046. Do you relate to any particular song (if so, which and why)? The ones that make me cry.

047. What did you listen to growing up? Everything under the sun!

048. Do you listen to the same stuff as your friends? To a certain extent, of course.

049. What are your favourite music videos? They're all old. I haven't seen a new MTV-type video in eons.

050. Finally, how important is music to you? Extremely.

By Beccy at DarkestStar_Surveys [do not remove please]

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