Thursday, January 17, 2008

Thursday Threesome

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::Apple Pie Crust::

Onesome: Apple-- turnovers? Bear claws? Do you have a favorite pastry? You know, the one you can't pass up no matter what!
I like apple crisp, but I'll eat almost any pastry wrapped around almost any fruit. I really love pie. Yum.
Twosome: Pie-- or cake? You're out to dinner and you get your choice: What do you go for? ...or do you simply have to have the creme brulee?
Depends on the types of each. I'll skip chocolate in a heartbeat, but if they have fresh homemade cherry or blueberry pie, I'll have that.
Threesome: Crust-- makes the pie, ya' think? Which pie absolutely has to have the proper crust or it just doesn't work for you?
Anything with a double crust has to have a good one. I don't like cardboardy or heavy crusts, but to be honest...I'm not that fussy.

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