From Allison (because, after all, the woman has a name and I should use it!)
If your doctor told you TODAY that you were pregnant, what would you say? I would tell the doctor that he clearly has the wrong results or the wrong chart, because it ain't hap'nin' here!
When was the last time you flew in a plane? Last March
What did the last text message you sent say? I have no idea; too lazy to go get my phone and look, too!
What features do you find most attractive in the preferred sex? intelligence, humor, wide shoulders
What is a goal you would like to accomplish in the near future? I have no goals beyond staying healthy and being ready to spring whichever direction I need to head at a moment's notice
Shoe size? 9.5/10
Been to Mexico? Yes, and I would LOVE to be there right now!! (It's been 28 years since I was there)
When is the last time you had a massage? Hmmm, my gosh, it's been MONTHS! My back has finally loosened up somehow!
What was the last TV show you watched? OMGWTFBBQ: golf, about 15 minutes ago!!
What are your plans for the weekend? sleeping, am meeting with mentee, am watching football, and on Monday am driving 6 hours round trip to see Dean
If your significant other asked you to marry them TODAY what would you say? "Dude, check the contract: we're up to 22 years here shortly!"
What is in the back seat of your car right now? My 'back seat' is the extended cab of a small truck. When I unloaded it after work tonight I left a smooshed Kleenex box, a window brush/scraper, jumper cables, my Garmin...I think there was an empty pop can in one cup-holder and a Sudafed packet in the other one.
What were you doing at 8 am this morning? Packing off the last of the kids from church, loading the cars, and then heading to work via McDonalds.
If you could marry any celebrity today who would it be? TOtally never marrying a celebrity, simply because Beast has no desire for that sort of fame, and I'm not marrying anyone else.
Have you ever been to a strip club? ...well, here comes the purging part of the meme...
What is the best ice cream flavor? Bubblegum. Or peppermint. Or vanilla.
What is the last sporting event you watched? See aforementioned golf. The last one I saw in-person was a AAA baseball game last summer.
Who is the last person you sent a comment/message on myspace? No hay nadie; no uso MySpace, gracias.
Ever go camping? Pretty sure I can count the number of times on one hand. And that's not likely to change. I like plumbing, comfort, and a controlled heat/cool environment.
What did your last text say? See above re too lazy to look
Where is your mom right now? Probably getting ready for bed in her nursing home
What color is your watch? The band is brown leather, the face is white with a little brown and gold. It's a "men's" watch, because I loathe those damn little shitty things women are supposed to use!
Last phone call? Beast is on the phone right now with his Mom who called us about 10 minutes ago.
Are you allergic to anything? grasspollen(especiallycorn)cat&dogdanderdustmoldmorphine (FUCKIN'allergies)
Favorite pair of shoes you wear all the time? I don't really care for shoes, but in the summer I almost exclusively wear slip-on flats/sandals.
What is one thing you have learned about life recently? Everything changes and the older one gets, the more close friends and family get sick.
Do you own an iPod? Creative Zen
Do any of your friends have children? It would be easier to count those who don't, which near as I can tell at this point is one friend...I think.
What do you do at work? I get paid to write in books!
Who was your last kiss? Sparky, upon my return from work, after I kissed Beast.
How did you get one of your scars? I have a nice one about 6 inches long from my belly button down from when I had abdominal surgery 11 years ago.
What is your mom's name? Heh. She was NOT named after the heroine in "The Wizard of Oz" and her middle name is the one I would have used if we'd have had a daughter, and her last name is the same as the one I used as a child.
Are you ticklish? Yes.
Ever cried for no reason? Hello, of course!! I thought only girls did this, but Sparky fell apart last night just like I've seen loads of girls do. Quite odd to see a guy have that kind of meltdown.
Ever broken a bone? Fingers, and something inside my wrist. I never have seen a doctor about any of them, however, so it's possible that I'm making that up!
Do you have any piercings? One in each earlobe.
Have you ever changed clothes while driving? The best I can do is that I've taken my coat or jacket off, and also, other times, my shoes.
Have you ever cleaned up someone else's vomit? One of my aliases is "Mom." I've cleaned up EVERYthing at various points.
What was the last thing you ordered at McDonalds? Bacon, Egg & Cheese Bagel and a large diet Coke...this morning.
Can you do the Crank Dat dance? Not bloody likely, not that I have the faintest clue! Nor do I care....
What is your favorite color to wear? I seem to have accrued a large number of olive green and brown items over the past few years.
What is the longest plane ride you have ever been on? Longest single flight was probably either to/from Frankfort or to Zurich (from the same airport but 16 years apart).
What is the longest road trip you have ever taken? We drove from central Maine and back in a giant loop about 7 years ago. It was amazing, and we did stay in Maine for a week the middle, but it was a LONG drive!!
What are your turn-offs? selfish people, mean-just-for-the-hell-of-it people, people who don't like kids, intetionally ignorant people
What was your 1st alcoholic beverage? I tasted some wine at Thanksgiving when I was about 11 (and also when visiting another church during Communion), but my first real drink was rum and coke. Or Southern Comfort and coke.
What was your last alcoholic beverage? I had a glass of wine some time in the past two weeks. I really shouldn't drink much because of the meds I take.
What are you craving right now? I'm so tired everything is doing that Wayne's World shimmy, only less obvious, just sorta woo-woo-ey. I'm going to bed...VERY tired!
Sunday night
5 years ago
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