Sunday, January 20, 2008

Patrick's Place

(Link in blogroll)
Saturday 6

1. Take the quiz: Are you a tortured genius?
You Are 71% Tortured Genius

You are smart. Brilliant in fact. And while it's a blessing, it's also a curse.
Your head is filled with everything - grand ideas, insufferable worries, and a good deal of angst.
Last time my score was 63%.

I'm still not a genius, but I apparently fake it better and better as time passes.
2. Which of the following are (or would) you more likely to remember: your significant other’s birthday, your anniversary, or where you first met?
I remember all three pretty vividly. I do not remember the date of our, however, or that date that we first met, or even the date on which Beast proposed.
3. If a single day could be established to celebrate all wedding anniversaries and it gained the acceptance of Mother’s Day, would you celebrate your anniversary on "Anniversary Day," on your real anniversary, or both?
I'd celebrate it on the actual date, because we always get fireworks that way.
4. What experience do you think you’ll honestly never forget?
The obvious choice is giving birth. Much as I might like to! :-)
5. When you have to remember to do something at a specific time, what method are you most likely to use to remind yourself?
I absolutely HAVE to write it down. The more times I write it down, the more likely I'll remember, even if I lose every single piece of paper. The best place, of course, is to write it into my datebook.
6. What was the last important date that you forgot?
Define "really important." I never forget birthdays; even if I don't send a card, I remember on the day that this is Jenny's birthday, or Matt's, or whatever. I can actually tell you the birthdates of every single person in my family (with the exception of two new nephews-in-law) and the wedding anniversaries of everyone in my family, plus the birthdays of friends from childhood and college...a total of over 40 dates. Those are the ones that matter to me.

I have, however, managed to forget a lot of 'important' meetings as Clerk of Session during my term. Whatever.

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