From here:
What are you wearing, in detail? Dark blue pajama top, yellow pajama bottoms with little sheep (OK, so I'm not a fashion plate at 11 pm on a Friday night...!)
Who's the sexiest person alive? Angelina Jolie. The woman just sort of exudes sex.
Who was the last person you talked to on MSN or AIM? Someone named Cat. who found me via another blog and Meebo'd me from mine.
Who was the last person you hung out with? Does hanging out tonight with Beast count?
Look outside, how's the weather outside? Fucking COLD! Not as bad as it was this morning, but the trade-off is that it's snowing now.
Are you jealous of anyone right now? Well...not exactly.
Name something great that happened today. I bought new jeans.
Do you regret doing something today? Yes.
When you think of the rainbow, what pops in your head? The double rainbow Sparky and I saw a few years ago.
Have you been happy recently? I'm glad Beast is home. Happy isn't a factor right now.
Do you like receiving balloons on your birthday? Don't think I ever have.
What was the last movie you watched? ...can't remember...
How's your heart lately? Physically, it's fine. Emotionally, it's not good.
The person you dislike gets killed by a train, how do you react? Guilty. What else is new?
Was today a good day? Better than most of the rest of the week.
Have you ever drank your soda from a straw? ...erk. Yes. Have I ever learned grammar? Yes.
What does your last text message say? No clue.
What is your heritage? American.
Are you someone's best friend? Yes.
What were you doing at [????] last night? After 10:30 or so I was asleep. Before that, I was online, then in the bathtub.
What are the two last calls on your phone? James and Beast.
Are you waiting for anything? Yes.
Do you like your life? As a whole, yes.
Who sits behind you in math? My calculating angel.
What song are you listening to? We're watching Def Comedy Jam...and the hamster is running a marathon on his (very squeaky) wheel.
Who does it remind you of? ...uh...? No one.
Has a friendship ended recently that you wish hadn't? Er...kinda. It was pretty much dead I think; I just put it out of its misery.
When you're home alone, do you still close the door when you shower? In the winter, yes, to keep the warm air in. Otherwise, no.
What annoys you the most? Stuff that's out of my control.
What kind of music do you like? I will listen to almost anything.
When was the last time you were disappointed? Monday
Do moochers annoy you? I don't hang around any moochers.
Is there anyone you regret ever meeting? Yes. Lots of people at work!
On the opposite sex, where do you like them to have piercings? No clue. Beast has none. I definitely would NOT want any mouth piercings.
1. Do you have to really know someone to kiss them? Yes.
2. How long has it been since you last liked somebody? A nanosecond.
3. Who was the last person to compliment you? Beast, I think. Or Sparky. Sparky was way too excited about dinner tonight.
4. Does anything rhyme with your last name? Yes. {snort} Long, funny story there.
5. What is your favorite thing to order from Coldstone? Never been there, probably ice cream, though.
6. Is anything stuck in your head? Yes.
7. What's all you did today? Worked, shopped, cooked, blogged.
8. Do you often use the term "slut"? No.
9. Have you ever tried training a dog? I've trained two.
10. Who is the most physically attractive person on this planet? Let's just stick with Angelina since I've already mentioned her.
11. Do you regret anything you've done in the past 24 hours? Yes.
12. Did you talk to anybody random today? That's my job when at the Reference desk. I talked to two Mormon missionaries, actually. Is that random enough?
13. What will you be doing in 24 hours? Sleeping I hope.
14. Do you have HDTV? No.
16. Where did you get your favorite pair of sunglasses? I don't have sunglasses, per se.
17. What was the last thing you dressed up as for Halloween? A ghoul.
18. What is your current relationship status? Married.
19. Write a brief statement saying anything you want to an anonymous person: Bring your freakin' library card when you come to the library! Jeez!
21. Is anything currently frustrating you? Several things.
22. How do you deal with drama? In the short term, I get very caught up in it, but eventually I realize that I really don't want to do this and I walk away.
23. Are the best things in life free? Yes.
24. Are your parents proud of your recent behavior? I guess.
25. Would you ever have a threesome with your friend and their bf/gf? No.
26. Why do you like the person you like? Cuz he's likable, and he loves me.
27. Do you know all the colors in the rainbow? Yes, thanks to Roy G. Biv.
28. Are your shoes untied? I'm barefoot. The shoes that have laces are, though.
29. Who would you really like to become better friends with? My nephews.
30. Have you ever written a poem? Yes, but not for a long time.
31. Who did you get this survey from? The link I posted above.
32. Do you have a calendar in your room? Yes.
33. Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette? Yes, though once in awhile I think how nice it would be to have something like that to do when life is very stressful.
34. Do you personally know anybody who has more than five tattoos? Yes.
35. Do you prefer Jamba Juice or Starbucks? Neither: diet Dr. Pepper.
36. What is your fondest high school memory? Marching in the Rose Parade is on that list.
37. Do you have trouble believing in yourself? There are days, yes.
38. Describe the outfit you are wearing? Same one I was wearing before.
39. What is the most romantic thing you've done for someone? I can't think of anything right now. Very tired.
40. Is anybody jealous of you? Good Lord, I hope not.
41. Do you use the internet daily? Yes.
42. Could you imagine your life without your best friend? Yes, and it's cold and bleak.
43. Name something you dislike about the day you're having? I would really like to feel better.
44. Who was the last person to make you cry? My MIL
45. Do you like change? Sometimes.
46. What is your favorite snack? Iced sugar cookies.
47. Do your boyfriends/girlfriends usually meet your parents? In high school, yes. And Beast. Otherwise, no.
48. You need a new outfit, where do you go first? What kind of outfit? I'd probably hit Kohl's or Old Navy first.
40. What's the time? 11:38 p.m.
39. Did you have a good day yesterday? Not particularly, but it wasn't absolutely awful either.
38. What makes you physically attracted to a man/woman? Their personality, although looks don't hurt either.
37. What did you last watch on TV? We're watching Craig Ferguson now (Def Comedy got a little too hardcore).
36. Do you like hardcore music? Probably not.
35. Is the sun shining? Somewhere, but it's night here.
34. How is your hair currently? Ready for bed.
33. If you got to pick your boyfriend's name, what would it be? Beast. Would it not be way cool to introduce someone as "Beast"??? :-)
32. What colour is the object you are sitting on? Brown.
31. What is the last thing that made you smile? Craig...joke about Bjorn Borg...lobsters.... Nevermind.
30. Where did you go out to eat last? Culver's.
29. Did you cry today? Actually, I don't think I did.
28. What did you eat today? Bagel w/ cream cheese, potato/bacon soup, grilled cheese, grilled chicken breast, scalloped potatoes and lots of soda.
27. What time did you get up this morning? 6:20 a.m.
26. Do you have a goal for the day? Going to sleep.
25. What jewelry are you wearing? Three rings.
24. Is anything making you mad right now? Nothing urgent.
23. Do you like orange or yellow more? Orange.
22. When was the last time you drank Starbucks? I don't drink coffee, but I was at Starbucks in November.
21. Have you ever been to a dinosaur museum? O'course.
20. Did you purchase anything today? Yes, quite a lot of stuff actually.
19. What is your cell phone service? Cingular.
18. Have you ever painted your nails with a marker? Yes, in junior high.
17. What is your favourite colour to wear? Blue or brown.
16. Where did you spend your birthday? I don't remember the most recent one.
15. Do you like waffles or french toast? Waffles.
14. What book are you reading? I've still got 5 going.
13. Do you sleep with socks? I usually at least start with sox.
12. What kind of milkshakes do you like? Vanilla or butterscotch malts (not shakes).
11. AIM or MSN? Meebo.
10. If you left the country, where would you go? Someplace WARM!
9. How many babies do you want? 1 of my own, but I do love playing with babies.
8. What are you listening to? Something about making seat-warmers. Obviously, I'm NOT in control of the remote!
7. Do you like diamonds? They're ok. I'm not really into expensive jewelry though.
6. Cats or dogs? I'm allergic to both. I prefer dogs, though.
5. Earrings or necklaces? Earrings.
4. What is your biggest pet peeve? Thoughtless people.
3. Have you had/do you have braces? Had 'em.
2. Do you like fall better than spring? Absolutely!
1. When are you going out next? Tomorrow sometime.
1. Have you ever been to ???? Well, this is odd.... Kind of a critical part of the question missing there. Uh, have you ever been to Canada? Yes.
2. Do you know anyone there? Yes.
3. Paramore is rad. Don't you agree? No clue what this is about.
4. Is chorus your favorite class? It wasn't, no.
5. It's mine. What's yours, then? I liked most of my classes, except Math.
6. Do you know someone in the war overseas? Not currently, no.
7. Would you like me to pray for him/her? er....sure....?
8. Do you listen to quietdrive? I'm feeling really
9. Is this how the brave hearts die? I'm beginning to think so.
10. Do you subscribe to seventeen magazine? No, never did.
11. Although you're not even seventeen? No. Really.
12. Does your best friend have black hair? There is some black in there....
13. Are drive-in movie theaters overrated? Never been to one.
14. What color are your mother's eyes? Pale blue.
15. Do you have the same eye color as her? Nope.
16. Are you in love with the boy next door? ...uh, no!
17. Doesn't Amy Lee of Evanescence have a pretty voice? It's ok.
18. Do you have a wide vocabulary? Actually, yes, I actually do. ;-)
19. Do you take advantage of it? Sometimes.
20. Where are you now? On the couch in the living room
21. Are you under the weather? A little.
22. Did you ever pretend to be married when you were little? I remember getting married a lot when I was little. The actually post-wedding life stuff never seemed as interesting.
23. Why are some girls so naive? Lack of life experience.
24. Are you one of those girls? To a certain extent, yes.
25. Do you listen to indie music? Some.
26. Are you listening to it now? No.
27. Have you ever used anything from No, and what's more I'm not even going to see what it is.
28. I have. They're rad. What are you doing this weekend? Lots of boring stuff.
29. Sounds like a plan. Are you in the United States of America? Last time I checked, yes.
30. Have you ever been to Washington, DC? Yes.
Just so we know, what's your name? Cat.
What elementary school did you go to? M@dd0x
Do you like perfume? In moderate amounts, yes.
How old is your cell phone? 2-3 years.
Did you ever wear a bike helmet? Yes, but only as an adult. When I was a kid, there were no helmets.
If you had a little gray kitten, what would you name him? Grayman
Which is better: Nike Air Forces or Chuck Taylors? ...meh...
Christian Dior or Chanel? Could not possibly care less.
Are big sunglasses still gonna be in next year? See answer immediately previous to this one.
What color is your blanket? The one on my feet right now is green and white plaid.
Do you remember your first Barbie? Or action figure? Yes. My first dolls of this sort were Dawn Dolls, but I eventually got a Barbie.
What are the last 5 digits of your phone number? My babysitter's number, when I was ages 5-10, was 18814.
When you go to the hospital, do you loot the medical supplies?
Have you ever lied and said the pop machine was broken when it wasn't? Why would I do that? No.
What's one thing you cannot take your eyes off of? Small children and babies.
If you measured your foot with a tape measure, how long would it be? Close to 12 inches.
Do you know anyone who has had the clap? The clap??? There's a word that's positively retro! And, not that I'm aware of, though I'd be one of the last to know, I think.
At Christmas, do you prefer a live or a fake tree? Fake.
Reach into your pocket. Tell me what you pull out. The only pocket I have right now is on my pajama top, and it's empty. Normally, if I have pockets in pants, I at least have chapstick.
What brand is your TV? Samsung.
Is there a laundry basket on the floor wherever you are: No.
What do you say when you answer the phone? Hello.
What color is your winter coat? Gray.
Do you ever just get into the car in the summer but not turn on the AC? Yes.
What's the worst place you ever got a sunburn? The backs of my knees and the bottoms of my feet.
Do you have any tattoos? What are they? Not likely.
If I told you I had a leprechaun in my pocket, what would you do? Suggest that you up your meds, if I knew you. If I didn't, I'd just agree and suggest you keep the leprechaun there and no I don't want to see it.
What's the worst movie you've ever seen? Snow Dogs was pretty awful. I'm not a fan of the most recent batch of Star Wars movies either; Hayden Christenson either can't act or wasn't given anything, script-wise, with which to work.
What do you do to get rid of hiccups? Drink a full glass of water while holding my breath.
Can you still be cool and say WASSSSSSSUP? If it's done ironically, anything can be cool. Not that I care about 'cool' anymore.
What would you do if someone cheated you out of $5? "Cheated" how? As in "stole"? I'd ask for it back. If it was a game or something, I'd chalk it up to experience. But for $5, I wouldn't exactly kill myself either way.
If you were king/queen, would you wear a crown? No. They're heavy and a bit of overkill on a regular day-to-day basis, yes?
Do you prefer a french manicure? Or do you like color on your nails? Hah! If you could see my fingernails now...I've never had a French manicure, and I'm not likely to get one. I only like color on my nails when they are looking nice. They are decidedly NOT looking nice now.
Look at your right hand. Are there any identifying features? Aside from those ratty nails? And the ring? I'm starting to get age spots, the darkest one is a little freckle about an inch below my index finger knuckle.
When you go to Chipotle, what do you get? Never been there; we live in the boonies.
What's your favorite scent from Bath and Body Works? Depends. I'm not heavily into strong florals or fruit, however.
Who scared you the most on Sesame Street? No one. By the time Sesame Street came along, I was too old to be scared of 'monsters' like that.
What's the grossest thing you have ever witnessed firsthand? I have a child; there've been a few (hah) gross things. Possibly the worst was seeing inside his chin when he wacked it open at age 4. The things that turn my stomach though tend not to be visual (except in movies). Fat Frank's odor makes me nauseous. The sound of an adult hitting a child makes my skin crawl.
Oh, wait: child pornography--not that I've examined it in depth--makes me physically ill.
What's your favorite college basketball team? Me no likey bassetbawl.
Do you ever watch Dirty Jobs on Discovery Channel? I *heart* Mike Rove.
What's the shittiest car you've ever been in? 1970s Chevy Monza, circ 1987. Or possibly my high school boyfriend's Honda Civic, which was about the size of my sofa.
Have you ever accidently broken out someone's window? No.
What's the first thing you do immediately after getting out of the shower? Spray it with Clean Shower and close the curtain.
If your bro/sis had a gf/bf and you didn't like them, what would you do? Keep my mouth shut.
What's the best cheesecake you've ever had? Cheesecake with fresh fruit. I'm not really that hard to please, but it has to be smooth cheesecake, no graininess.
Are people who make MySpaces for their babies dumb? ...didn't know this was a trend, but...yeah.
Respond to this: HEY FUCK YOU! [long pause filled with lots of eye contact] "Excuse me?"
What kind of vacuum cleaner do you have? I think it's a Eureka.
Do you ever go by the airport to see the planes take off? Heh. No. I dated someone who did, though.
What's the grossest food someone ever conned you into eating? Some of those Harry Potter jelly beans are quite foul.
What's the best haunted house you've been to? The ones I was 'haunting' in the early 90s. Beast and I volunteered with a friend to haunt the Jaycees fundraiser. It was fun.
Do you like barbecue? Not overly much, no.
Do you like your best friend's bf/gf? Excluding Beast from this, by the way. ;-) No, I don't.
Did you ever believe in a lucky rabbit's foot? Not really. I used to have a green one--WTF? I always think of the comedian I heard (can't remember who) say, "Lucky rabbit's feet sure weren't lucky for the rabbit, were they?"
Has a bird ever crapped on you? Yup, but I think this is why I don't like large flocks of birds swirling around.
Who's the most annoying person you can think of on the face of this Earth? Wow! Uh, there's a lot of competition, but as a group I would say papparazzi.
Do your chain hang low? WTF?
When you drink, do you smoke? I never smoke.
If you found a hair in your food, would you let it go or complain? I'd let it go, but I'm not sure I'd keep eating, either.
Have you ever ridden a lowrider bike? No.
What would you do if you found out someone in your family was gay? My family is pretty big, so it would be shocking if someone didn't turn up. I don't care at all. Whatever.
Have you ever been with someone who carries a 2-Liter wherever they go? No.
Do you like salty or buttery popcorn? Or both? Both.
What color is the rug in your bathroom? Dark blue.
Turn on the TV. What channel is on? No clue; Sparky's on the GameCube so I can't check. OK, technically, that means the set is tuned to channel 3, I think.
Do you keep on top of the weather? No, that's why I keep Beast around. ;-)
Do you know anyone who was born with a tail? Not that I'm aware of, no.
Have you ever seen a dust bunny? Yes, a few.
Have you ever bitten your tongue so hard it bled? Yup.
What's the longest amount of time you ever spent on the phone with someone? Maybe three hours...?
Has anyone ever written you a love poem? If so, I've blanked it out.
Ask your parents if they remember the first time they met each other: They did: it was a blind date.
What's your favorite cereal? Fruit Loops or Golden Grahams.
Have you ever owned a fur coat? Nope. I see no point in one. It's just not cold enough, and I'm not outside enough to make sense. If I worked outside in northern Canada or Siberia or Greenland, I would prefer one though. They are really warm!
Sunday night
5 years ago
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