(Link at left)
In 2007 did you.....
1. Drink alcohol? Yes
2. Cry yourself to sleep? Yes
3. Kiss someone? Yes
4. Hook up? ...uh...? Not according to what I consider the usual definition (see #3 here)
5. Move? Not my living arrangements, no.
6. Get in a car accident? No.
7. Go out of the country? No.
8. Drive for 3+ hours? Yes.
9. Get a haircut? Yes (please don't talk to me if your answer is no!)
10. Attend a funeral? Yes.
11. Attend a wedding? Yes.
12. Get dumped? Not as such.
13. Get asked out? ...uh...sorta?
14. Ask someone out? ditto
15. Dump someone? Yes. Not romantically, but a sorta-friendship hit the dumper in a big way.
16. Go to Disneyland? No.
17. Go to a concert/show? Uh, I don't think I did, actually.
18. Go to a museum? Yes.
19. Visit the hospital? Yes.
20. Get beat up? Emotionally, yes. Physically, no.
21. Smoke hookah? Wow. No. Not last year, not evah.
22. Smoke weed? No.
23. Go to the beach? I don't think so; can't remember. Actually, I drove past my favorite beach, but didn't stop.
24. Catch the flu? I don't think so.
25. Do community service? Yes, but as a choice, not as an assignment.
26. Donate money? Yes.
27. Get in a big fight with your parents? Well, no. I guess that's a positive, innit?
28. Attend more than three parties? Yes.
29. Dye your hair? Yes.
30. Write an essay? Yes, I guess some of my blog posts could be considered essays.
Who is the person/people you were with the most? Outside my family, probably the high school kids in youth group.
What places did you hang out at the most? Home, work, various cars....
What new things did you learn? More patience, how to say no definitively, how to piss off my boss....
Was there a particular day that was special to you? July 7 was pretty awesome!
What was your biggest regret? Katherine having to deal with the load she's carried this year. If I could figure out how to carry it with her (at least) I would. In a heartbeat.
What song would best describe 2007? Ch-ch-ch-changes
What was the best movie of 2007? One of the hundreds I did NOT see!
What television show did you watch the most? CSI. I think we watched 6 seasons of the original and 3 of Miami on DVD, plus all the new shows, plus the reruns on Spike TV.
How many times did you go to Starbucks in 2007? Uh...three, four times, maybe?
Do you feel 2007 went by too fast? Not fast enough at times, but generally at a good pace. Everything goes by faster than it used to.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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