(found here)
name: Cat.
age: 44
location: My sofa, feet up.
how are you feeling right now? A bit tired.
have you done anything interesting today? I roomba'd most of the first floor, then wet-Swiffered. I did cards for all the books I read last year (FINALLY!), caught up on my blog-reading, and then went to church to play with kids of all ages.
what is the best thing in your life right now? My family rox. The youth group is good.
what's the worst thing in your life right now? Family health situations.
when was the last time you went to the seaside? Haven't seen the ocean since '04.
did you jump into the sea? Uh, no. That would be a little chilly for me and a little far (it was the Atlantic and we were flying over it).
did you build a sandcastle? Haven't ever done that.
have you ever lied to your parents? Tell me someone who hasn't!
have you ever fallen asleep somewhere unusual? Couple times at work (not where I work now).
have you ever bitten your toungue when you're eating? I'm much more likely to bite the inside of my cheeks.
have you ever wet yourself laughing? Not since early childhood.
what's the earliest memory you have? I have vague memories of a suite of living room furniture from my toddler years. I mostly remember it because of a dream I had involving monsters and the furniture.
when was the last time you wrote something long by hand? Quite some time.
what does the last text message you received say? No clue.
who was the last person to call you? Jenny. Just got off the phone with her.
has a friend ever helped you though hard times? Speaking of whom....
have you ever helped a friend through hard times? Yes.
who was the last person to see you cry? Not sure.
what's the best piece of advice you've ever been given? You know what's best for your own kid.
if you could remove any person from this earth who would it be and why? Cheney.
have you ever hurt any body physically in temper? Yes.
have you ever got so drunk that you can't remember a thing? There are parts of a couple of nights that I can't remember, but I've never completely blacked out.
do you suffer with hangovers? Hangovers, by definition, make me suffer, but I haven't had one in years and years and years.
do you love your parents? Yes.
have you ever cried watching a film? if yes, what film and what part? I cry in almost EVERY movie I see! I always cry in Dr. Zhivago. In fact, that's a movie I watch with the intent of crying.
what's the funniest memory you have of school? Hiding in the first grade storage cupboard with Laura. I still don't know what we were trying to prove.
what's your biggest fear? Failure. And caves.
have you ever been homeless? No, and I'm grateful for that almost daily.
have you ever spent the night in a police cell? No. I've actually never even seen the inside of an actual cell.
what was your first thought when you woke up this morning? "I should probably just get up..."
when was the last time you went clubbing until dawn? That would be in some previous life.
have you ever ridden on a motorcycle? Yup. Extremely awesomely wonderful!!
have you ever stubbed your toe on a door? Yes.
what's your favourite swear word? Fuck.
what's the best feeling you could ever have? Pride in accomplishment.
what type of music are you into? I like a lot of different music.
do you play an instrument? Yup.
have you ever written a poem or a song? No songs, only poems.
has anyone ever written a poem or a song about you? Not to the best of my knowledge.
where's the one place you like to be when you've had enough of the world? In the bathtub.
what's the longest time you've ever stayed awake? 40 hours or so.
if you had control over an army tank for the day with no rules, u would...: WTF? Pass. Really, I can't think of anything more boring.
describe the type of person you think you'll be when ur old: I hope I'm not cranky and bitchy. I also hope I've got some get-up-and-go.
what are your three favourite songs ever? "The Sweetest Thing" (U2), "Amazing Grace" and "Seek Ye."
how old do you act? 30? I dunno.
what type of a person are you? Overly responsible.
do you think the world will ever end? It ends every day for someone.
have you ever phoned a sex line? Nope.
have you ever pretended you were someone else? All the time.
have you ever taken drugs? Legally prescribed, yes.
describe the nearest picture to you: That would be Sparky's silhouette from when he was about 3, or the photo of me on a horse a couple of years ago.
are you easily deceived? If I choose to be, yes.
are you a good judge of character? I read people pretty clearly, but I always tend toward giving the benefit of the doubt.
have you ever fallen in public? Yes. OMG--two years ago at a conference I went flying in the main hall. Oy. My right knee hurt so much that day!! And I felt like a freaking moron.
hope you enjoyed the survey. how long did it take you? 'bout 45 minutes.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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