from Kwizgiver (in blogroll at left)
My 'ex' is: God knows where. He has an annoying common name--similar to Daniel Stevenson, though that isn't his name!--and Googling him is hopeless, just hopeless.
I am listening to: the fire crackling in the fireplace, and Beast playing Tiger Woods Golf.
I love: babies.
My best friend: is one of the kindest people I know.
I don't understand: how the world works.
I lost my respect for: most Texans long before I knew ANYone named George Bush.
I last ate: a grilled cheese sandwich.
The meaning of my display name is: a shortened form of my job title.
Love is: a warm puppy. And also frequently having to say you're sorry.
Somewhere: ...there's a place for us....
I will always: have allergies. It's ok; I've accepted it.
Love seems to be: surprising.
Parties: can be fun. They can be endlessly boring as well.
My pet: is a stuffed animal (as in plush).
Kissing: is nice. I think I should start listing it as a hobby.
I really want: to stop worrying things to death!
What would you rather be called?
Babe or baby: babe (but I can't picture Beast calling me that, and if just about anyone else did, I'd break their teeth)
Sweetie or Honey: sweetie, but I'd really rather people didn't use either
Darling or Hun: someone at church calls me "darlin'" and it makes me laugh
Cutie or Beautiful: beautiful (but again, only by specific people)
Where is "dear" on this list?? I wanted to be able to say "Oh VOMIT!"
is your hair wet? no
is your cell phone right by you? no, it's plugged in for the night, recharging...the mobile landline is right here, though
do you miss someone? nope
are you wearing chap stick? there's enough on my lips that I hadn't noticed needing to reapply...but now that I've been reminded, I'll have to do it!!
are you tired? tired is my middle name
are you excited? kind of stoked about tomorrow night
are you watching tv? the TV is on so Beast can play golf, so I guess technically yes, but not really...
are you wearing pajamas? not yet...give me about 20 minutes and I will be!
done anything you regret? in my life: yes; today: not that I can think of
recently lied? I don't think so
ever stuck gum under a desk? ...nope? It just seems like such a yucky thing to do.
ever kicked someone? not intentionally in recent years, mostly just myself (literally and metaphorically)
ever tripped over your own feet? Yes, most recently and explosively on the Sunday before Christmas when I tumbled down the stairs. I am a klutz.
have you cursed? Hella yeah. We had the police involved in the library today. Not that I was involved, but there was swearing over that situation.
have you yelled at someone? nope, though I was curt with Sparky on the phone
have you gotten mad at someone? no; it's been a peaceful couple of days...
is there a person who is on your mind right now? yes, several, as usual
do you have any siblings? Yes, there are four of us left
do you want children? I've got what I need, thanks.
do you smile often? yep, see? {grin}
do you wish on stars? nope
do you untie your shoes every time you take them off? I don't wear a lot of shoes that tie, just my sneakers, and those I think I have to untie to remove.
when did you last cry? this morning, reading a book
do you like your handwriting? mostly, yes
are your toenails painted? no, they take the winters off
are you a friendly person? sometimes
who's bed did you sleep in last night? mine
what size ring do you wear? whatever size fits whatever finger I want to wear rings on--each one is different
what color shirt are you wearing? rust
do you have any pets? Sparky has a guinea pig
what were you doing at 7pm yesterday? arriving home after a long day
Sunday night
5 years ago
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