Thursday, January 17, 2008


snagged from Lisa

1. Name: Cat.

2. Birthday: mid-November

3. Where do you live: In my head, far too often. Sometimes I emerge into the midwestern U.S. where my house is.

4. Right or Left handed: I'm all righty.

5. Favorite color: Blue

6. Favorite sport: Foo'bawl!!

7. Biggest Fear: Failure

8. Status: ...meh...

9. Do you have a crush on someone? I don't have time for that right now!

Your last….

1. Cigarette: Secondhand smoke from my nephew

2. Beverage: A can of DP

3. Kiss: Sparky when he left for school today

4. Hug: Last night...I think it was Sparky, but it may have been Beast

5. Movie seen: Scrooged last month on DVD

6. CD played: The book on tape in my truck

7. Song listened to: "Drop Down Dead" (The Housemartins)

8. Bubble bath: Night before last

9. Time you cried: Really cried? Last Thursday at the hospital, very briefly.

Eight Have-You-Ever’s:

1. Dated one of your best friends or wanted to? Nope, unless you count Beast, which I guess I should...!

2. Skinny dipped: Nope, not in a pool or large body of water anyway.

3. Kissed somebody and regretted it: Good heavens! Of course! I agree with Lisa, however, that it's far worse to have NOT kissed someone and regretted it.

4. Liked someone you knew you couldn’t have: Of course.

5. Been overseas: Yes, lots of times.

6. Dressed in costume: Of course.

7. Been drunk: Yes. Too many times.

8. Run away: Not physically, but I have done an emotional bunk, one of which I'm very, very ashamed of.

Two Things That You Wanted To Be When You Grew Up:
1. Grocery checker
2. Teacher

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