from Allison via Leesepea
Are you taller than your best friend? I'm shorter than Beast and taller than almost all my female friends
Do you have a favorite type of pen? I like gel pens. I do not like pens that don't write consistently.
Look at your planner; what are were your plans for January 15th? I worked 8-4, but that's not actually written in my planner. The day was actually a blank.
What color are your toenails usually? In the winter they aren't painted; in the summer, they are some version of bright red.
What was the last thing you highlighted? With a pen...I have no idea. On the computer, the question so I could bold it.
What color are the curtains in your bedroom? Light blue
What color are the seats in your car? Gray
Have you ever had a black and white cat? Nope.
What is the last thing you put a stamp on? The flyers I sent last week for the lock-in.
Do you know anyone who lives in Japan? Not anymore; they live in California now.
Why did you withdraw cash from the ATM the last time? Just to keep myself flush.
Last baby you held? I've become one of those baby-stealing "women of a certain age" unfortunately. I think the last one was Olivia, at church.
Can you spell well? Mostly. Typing well is a whole other gig, though.
Do you like cinnamon toothpaste? I can tolerate it, but I prefer mint.
How fast have you driven in a car before? I've gone over 80 to pass people on the highway before, but I rarely go more than 5 mph over the speed limit as a rule.
Pick one: Miami Hurricanes or Florida Gators? {yawn} Seriously, in the middle of reading that question I yawned.
Last time you went to Six Flags? Probably close to a decade, which is probably pretty sad since there is one about an hour away from us.
Do you have any wallpaper in your house? Not yet.
Closest thing to you that is yellow? Took me a couple of minutes, but we have a serape with a lot of yellow on it which is on the back of the couch under another throw.
Last person who gave you a business card? I don't have a clue; I throw them away ASAP.
Who was the last person you wrote a check or money order to? No clue. I (well, actually, we) write very few checks anymore. It was probably something for Sparky's school.
Closest framed picture to you? There's a papyrus from Egypt over my right shoulder, and a portrait of the in-laws next to a silhouette of Sparky on the shelves under the window.
Last time you had someone cook for you? Technically, Beast put dinner in the oven last night, and Sparky made it (at Dinner by Design).
Have you ever felt you weren’t good enough? Regularly.
How many emails do you get in your inbox daily (excluding spam)? 4-5 in Gmail, 1-2 in our family account, 5-10 at work (and another 150 in various listservs there).
Last time you received flowers? Beast flat-out sucks at this. It's been a very long time.
What's one thing you live for? Sparky's future
Do you play air guitar? Rarely. I'm more of an air-drummer.
Has anyone ever proposed to you? Yep. One person for sure, another...sorta-maybe.
Do you take anything in your coffee? I don't take coffee.
Do you have any Willow Tree figurines? I don't even know what they are...OK, here's what they are, and I have zero. Blank-faced people creep me WAY out, so just NO!
How many books have you read in the last year? 75 or so
Last person you spoke to from high school? I get sporadic emails from Beth, and we saw each other last March too. But I got a Christmas card from several high school friends (including Beth).
Last time you used hand sanitizer? Friday after spilling gas all over my hands. Props to Taco Bell for always including a sanitizing wipe in every drive-thru order!
Would you like to learn to play the drums? Sure, but I wouldn't kill myself either way.
What color are the blinds in your living room? Beige honeycombs (I think the color is actually called "pasta")
Have you ever developed your own film? Nope; I leave that to the pros.
Last thing you read in the newspaper? Beast made me read two comics today.
What was the last pageant or play you attended? Uh...totally no idea.
What is the last place you bought pizza from? Me personally? Uh, don't remember if it was P@uls or 2 St@rs. Beast picked up pizza from N@p0li0's on Friday.
Have you ever worn a crown? Nope. Not bloody likely!
What is the last thing you stapled? Something at work last week.
Did you ever drink clear Pepsi? I have but not for years and years. I haven't even seen it around here for a really long time.
Are you ticklish? Yes.
Last time you saw fireworks? Last July. I think? Maybe not.
Last time you had a Krispy Kreme doughnut? Coupla months. I like 'em, but I could easily eat a box if I don't strictly control myself.
Who is the last person that left you a message, and you actually returned it? My nephew James.
Last time you parked under a carport? No clue whatsoever. Possibly never, but it's really not something I track.
Do you have a black dog? Not currently, but both of my dogs to date have been black.
Can you give one reason why David Caruso is allowed to keep acting? He can handle melodrama with a straight face, and he does that silent posing so well.
Are you an aunt or uncle? I'm an aunt. hee hee hee (4 nieces, 4 nephews)
Who has the most gorgeous eyes that you know of? Evan.
Last time you saw a semi truck? I probably saw one yesterday, but I don't remember for sure.
Do you remember Ugly Kid Joe? "I hate everything about you!" Of course: this is the song that kept me from killing my boss for several years.
Do you have a little black dress? I do not. Something else to put on the shopping list, especially since I dreamed about a funeral--albeit a very weird funeral, one with clowns--this afternoon.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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