from Kwizgiver
broke a promise: can't think of anything specific, but I'm sure I did
made a new best friend: no
fell out of love: no
lied: yes
went behind your parents back: I'm not sure if that's possible, really....
cried: oh, yeah...sigh
disappointed someone close: yep
hid a secret: yes (but then it wouldn't really be a secret if I didn't hide it, right?)
pretended to be happy: yes (fake it till you make it)
kissed in the rain: not that I remember
slept under the stars: HELL, no!
kept your new year's resolution: ...n/a last year
forgot your new year's resolution: n/a
met someone who changed your life: yes...and no
met one of your idols: I don't have many (any?), no.
changed your outlook on life: ...a bit
sat home all day doing nothing: more than once....
pretended to be sick: yep
left the country: no
almost died: no
given up something important to you: no
lost something expensive: not that I know of
learned something new about yourself: yes
tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it: I don't think so...
made a change in your life: yes
found out who your true friends were: yes, and no
met great people: yes
stayed up til sunrise: actually, I think last year was the first year in a long time that I didn't do this
cried over the silliest thing: oh, of course!
was never home on weekends: no
got into a car accident: not quite, but close, very close...
had friends who were drifting away from you: yes
had someone close to you die: ...uh, no...?
had a high cell phone bill: not that I'm aware of
wasted most of your money on food: not 'most', but a whole lot!
had a fist fight: never had one ever....
went to the beach with your best friend: no
saw a celebrity: in person? no
gotten sick: yes, but nothing major
liked more than 5 people at the same time: ...not romantically...
became closer with a few people: yes
Sunday night
5 years ago
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