Promises, Promises
1. What was the most difficult promise you've ever had to keep?
To love, honor, and cherish, etc. That sucker is HARD work to implement some days!2. What is the easiest promise you've kept to this day?
See #1. Very easy some days.3. What promise do you keep on breaking?
"I'm NOT going to lose my temper with Sparky!"4. What is the one most painful promise made to you that was broken?
I can't think of anything explicit. There are a few implicit, or maybe the word is 'assumed' or 'presumed' promises, that have fallen by the wayside. My high school best friend has been underwhelming in the promises-kept department over the years. So have some people at church that I thought were trustworthy.5. Are promises made to be broken?
Thoughtless ones are, of course. However, as a rule, I really do tink promises are made to be kept.
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