Friday, December 21, 2007

Friday Fiver

(Link at left)
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

1. If you could change your name, what would it be? Rowena.

2. What is the worst name someone has called you? Oh, who knows. I get called names at work fairly regularly. Those don't always bother me much, because for the most part they are unimaginative and untrue. Sparky called me a lying hypocrite this week; that one hurt.

3. If you could meet someone famous, who would it be? Nelson Mandela.

4. How do you like to travel home? By car? We don't have a landing strip in our backyard.

5. What kind of phone to you have? My mobile is an LG. The house phones are WhateverWasAvailableWhenTheLastPhoneBroke brand.

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