Sunday, December 23, 2007

Doubling up

from Kwizgiver


1. Get kissed under the mistletoe or in the snow? Inside. Warm. Me no likey da cold.
2. Santa or Rudolph? Santa
3. Stocking or presents? ...each has been good to be in different years.
4. Egg nog or hot cider? Nog
5. Angel or star? Star
6. Decorating the tree, or putting lights on the outside? Tree. See my answer for #1
7. Warm cozy fires or sleigh rides? Sleigh ride, followed by a fire (inside).
8. Family time or friend time? Friends AND family!!
9. Expensive presents or presents that come from the heart? Heart
10. Snow ball fight or snowman? Snowman
11.Coal or present? Presents (derrrr)
12. Open presents quick or slow? Slow
13. Diamonds or rubies? Sapphires. (sorry)
14. Caroling or Christmas movies? Caroling
15. Snowy days or ice days? Snowy
16. Red or Green? Green


1. Best Christmas present received? Ever? Lots of 'em. Buddy, the laptop, Revereware,
2. What’s the number one thing you want for Christmas? Health and peace for both moms
3. If you were going out with someone, what would you want them to give/get you? "If I were...?" Uh, he'd better not get me anything from Home Depot, but otherwise, I'll be happy. He always does a good job.
4. Have you ever been kissed under mistletoe? Yup.
5. Age you stopped believing in Santa Claus? Age when I realized that Santa was mom: 8. I love being Santa now though.
7. Do you wake your parents? Not anymore! We were never allowed to wake them before 7, and then we couldn't touch anything in the living room until they were downstairs and settled (and coffee was percolating).


1. What is guaranteed to make you smile over the holidays? Seeing happy faces around me.

2. What makes you weepy during the holidays? Christmas Eve service at church, talking to family on the phone, a really cool gift.

3. How will you spend Christmas Eve and Day? We'll do the Chinese dinner thing and then go to the late candlelight service. I need to sit with my confirmation mentee for that. Christmas morning we'll open presents and then my boys are leaving to see Beast's parents by noon or so. I have to work this week, so I'm staying home.

4. What was your most memorable Christmas and why? There are too many from which to choose.

5. Christmas form letters from friends -- pro or con? I enjoy most of them.

6. In your home is Christmas more of a religious or secular observance? Both, but leaning toward religious.

7. What is your favorite Christmas Carol? Silent Night.

8. What is your deepest prayer for the world this Christmas? Shalom in all its meanings.

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