Sleep with or without clothes on? With, especially this time of year!
Prefer black or blue pens? ...meh...long as they write, I don't care, either is fine
Dress up on Halloween? No, thanks.
Like to travel? Yes. Love it.
Like Someone [sic]? Yes.
Do they know? Yes.
Who sleeps with you every night? The Someone above.
Think you're attractive? Depends on the day. Today, yeah-ish.
Want to get married? Already am. Sorry.
Are you a good student? I was. As for the School of Life, I'm not so good.
Are you currently happy? Yeah.
Have you ever cheated?? Been cheated on? Have I? Not really. Has Beast? Not to my knowledge.
Birthplace? Denver, CO
Christmas or Halloween? Christmas
Colored or black-and-white photo? Color
Do long distance relationships work? Sometimes better than nearby ones.
Do you believe in astrology? No.
Do you believe in love at first sight? I believe people swear it happens.
Do you consider yourself the life of the party? Hah! No.
Do you drink? Yes.
Do you make fun of people? Sometimes. Those who deserve to be punctured.
Do you think dreams eventually come true? Some, if you work hard. Oh, those dreams...gawd I hope not!
Favorite fictional character? Ripley
Go to the movies or rent? Rent
Have you ever moved? Right. Uhm, yeah.
Have you ever stolen anything? Yes, but not for 30 years.
How's the weather right now? COLD!
Last time you cut your hair? 5 weeks ago--actually I didn't cut it. The last time I cut my hair was before I did the stealing to which I referred above.
Last person you talked to on the phone? Sparky.
Last time you showered? This morning
Loud or soft music? Depends. I like happy, boppy music, generally.
McDonalds or Burger King? BK, except for breakfasts, and french fries.
Night or day? Day
Number of pillows? I usually sleep with one, but I use two when I'm reading in bed.
Piano or guitar? Piano
Future job? Grandma
Current job? Cataloger/Reference Librarian/Mom/Wife
Current love? Sleep is my beeeesssssttttt friend
Current longing? See previous answer
Current disappointment? Not having found our old photo boxes yet
Current annoyance? My stupid, sore eyes.
Last thing you ate? Rice cake (plain).
Last thing you bought? Pop and a cookie on Sunday. That would be "lunch."
Most recent thing you are looking forward to? WTF? I don't know what this means. I am looking forward to Christmas, of course.
What are you hearing right now? Some dumb show that Beast is "watching" by leaving the room repeatedly. Grrrrr....
Plans for the weekend? Many and varied
What did you do today? Worked. Made dinner. Talked to Beast. Listened to music.
Pick a lyric, any lyric or song? "We're not gonna take it / No, we're not gonna take it / Anymore."
Pick a movie quote? "What is your damage, Heather?"
Sunday night
5 years ago
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