This is from Lisa, but not exactly a direct tag. I'm actually just stealing it from her...
1. Name one person who made you laugh last night? Probably Sparky....though he was a little on the cynical side. Generally, though, he makes me laugh.
2. What were you doing at 0800? I was at work, probably talking to (i.e. listening to) CT.
3. What happened to you in 2006? It wasn't a horrific year...till the end. I went from great-aunthood to thinking I might lose a niece. Otherwise, there was this horrible series of work-related meetings, wherein I met some of the worst people I've had the misfortune to almost have to work with.
4. How many beverages did you have today? On my third bottle (20 oz.) of diet DP right now, but I'm not going to finish it.
5. What color is your hairbrush? Black
6. Where were you last night? At Meijer's buying my own birthday cake, at Panera buying dinner, and at home.
7.What color is your front door? Green on the outside, beige on the inside. I think. The screen door is (aack) gold.
8. Where do you keep your change? In my wallet.
9. What’s the weather like today? It was a GORGEOUS day today!!
10. What’s the best ice cream flavor? Vanilla, with butterscotch topping.
11. What excites you? Uhm...lots of random things, but I can't think of anything wonderful right now except going to sleep.
12. Do you want to cut your hair? I'd rather Shantell did it for me, as she did today.
13.Are you over the age of 25? Huh. Yeah, just a little.
14.Do you talk a lot? Sometimes.
15. Do you watch The OC? Could not pay me enough to watch that!
16. Do you make up your own words? Not with intent, but I have a very slippery mouth.
17. Are you a jealous person? Depends, but generally no.
18. Name a friend whose name starts with an ‘A’? Amy
19. Name a friend whose name starts with a ‘K’? Keith
20. Who’s the first person on your received call list? Sparky
21. What does the last text message you received say? No clue. I'm sure I deleted it. I'm fairly ruthless about that kind of thing.
22. Do you chew on a straw? No, I'm kinda over that stage, Dr. Freud.
23. Where’s the next place you are going? To the kitchen to turn off the lights, and then upstairs to take a bath.
24. Who’s the rudest person in your life? I work in public service! This is seriously not a fair question! OK, in my personal life, that would be either CT at work, or my niece Katherine who is a fine piece of work in many, many ways. Or my brother.
25. What was the last thing you ate? Birthday cake.
26. Will you get married in the future? Not likely.
27. What’s the best movie you’ve seen in the last 2 weeks? I saw the last 20 minutes of "Happy Feet" tonight, and all of Spider-Man 3 yesterday. Of the two, I'd rather watch my skin dry out and flake off.
28. When was the last time you did dishes? The dishwasher ran on Sunday night. I haven't hand-washed since Saturday, I think.
29. Are you currently depressed? I'm headed toward it, yes.
30. Did you cry today? No, it wasn't that bad of a day.
31. What was the last thing you said aloud? "Good night, sweetheart; sleep well."
32. What car do you drive and what Bumpersticker(s) do you have on it? Ford Ranger. The only bumper sticker I've ever had on any car was a AAA sticker. Not sure I have one on this truck, though, to be honest.
33. Why did you answer this and post it? Couldn't resist another tag, and I was more awake when I started. Didn't think I'd be this tired by the time I finished!!
Sunday night
5 years ago
0 sweet-talkers :
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