Friday, November 30, 2007

Friday's Feast

(Link at left)

What is your favorite carnival/amusement park ride?
I love Ferris wheels, really love them. So, why did I marry someone who doesn't like heights? I also like carousels, but I can't really ride them anymore: no little kids, and the spinning-with-all-the-lights tends to make me nauseous.
How do you react in uncomfortable social situations?
What kind of "uncomfortable" are we talking about here? If it's because I don't know anyone, I find one person to whom to introduce myself and talk to. If it's because I have no fucking clue why I showed up, I just sit as unobtrusively as possible until I can leave. If it's because there's some sort of emotional drama going on between the other people, I will either leave the area, or mentally check-out as much as possible.
On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how much do you enjoy discussing deep, philosophical topics?
Heh. Thanks to my dad, it's a 9, unless the basic subject is politics. It also needs to be a real discussion, not baiting each other with inflammatory comments. I have a friend who does this regularly--has done for years--and I'm finally learning to either ignore him or tell him to STFU.
Main Course
Did you get a flu shot this year? If not, do you plan to?
I haven't. I should, but I probably won't.
Approximately how many hours per week do you spend watching television?
I probably only watch about three hours a week, but the TV is on almost always when Beast is in the room. He with the TV, me with the laptop.

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