Saturday, October 20, 2007

Saturday 8

(Link at left)

1. what was your worst job? why?
My longest-lasting bad job was my first full-time job, which lasted for 6 full years, which was about 66 months too long. However, I think the worst was working the Christmas season at Swiss Colony while I was in grad school. I'm NOT a salesperson, and the whole situation just sucked.
2. what was your best job? why?
My current job, most of the time, is wonderful.
3. are you looking for a new job now?
I think I'm going to start reading ads for the first time in a long time.
4. when did you get the job you have now? if you're unemployed, how long have you been without a job?
I started in January of 1994 as a 16 hours/week reference librarian. I started doing shut-in delivery (bringing library items to people who can't get to the library) in 1996 or 1997, adding about 5 hours/week. In 2001, I started the Young Adult department in our library. And in 2003 (?), I stopped doing the deliveries and YAing and became the sole cataloger when the former cataloger retired. I'm now up to about 32 hours/week, give or take.
5. have you ever been fired from a job? what happened?
Yes. I stopped lying about what I was accomplishing, got a verbal warning after a few weeks and explained why (and by implication, said that everyone was lying), and was fired a few weeks later. It went down on my record that I quit, however.
6. have you ever had a horrible, back-stabbing colleague?
Of course. I've had a horrible, back-stabbing (and front-stabbing, to be fair) boss, too.
7. have you heard of or ever been involved in a an office scandal at your work?
Yes, see #6. Can you imagine allowing someone who no longer works at a business being allowed to arrange invoices for payment??
8. what's your dream job?
I would like to do my current job, without all the bullshit. That means I'd like to catalog and run technical services without having to 'back up' the service desks. Or, rather, I would like a definition of 'backing up' as differentiated from 'permanently filling-in' to be printed up and distributed. I would also like one of the long-time technical service people to leave/quit. It won't happen: she needs the income because she's a complete financial moron. Really, I have an awesome job...when I'm allowed to do it!

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