from the usual source
M&Ms or Skittles? Skittles. M&Ms remind me of PsychoBoss too much.
Berry or Tropical Flavors? Not tropical, eh!
White, Milk, or Dark Chocolate? Milk chocolate. No dark.
Sour or Sweet? Yes. Please?
Chewy or Crunchy? I prefer chewy.
Cloddhoppers or Whoppers? WTF? Never heard of the former, so Whoppers it is!
Chocolate-covered Raisins or Peanuts? I'll pass on this course.
Starburst or Gobstoppers? Either, but not together!
Bubble gum or lollipops? Bubble gum.
What was the first horror movie you saw? No clue. Maybe...uh...Salem's Lot on TV? I saw chunks of Carrie on the drive-in screen when we drove by, but I don't think that counts, since I could NOT figure out the plot! I didn't read the book till a few years later.
What was the last horror movie you saw? Psycho
Zombies or Aliens? Aliens, but not that way.
Ghosts or Vampires? Ghosts
What are the goriest movies you have seen? I would never willingly, knowingly choose to go to a gory movie. I find gore repulsive and nauseating and don't understand why people would pay money to see it portrayed onscreen.
Who is scarier: The Ring girl or The Exorcist girl? ...not in a position to pick
Who is Scarier: The Saw clown or the Chucky doll? I can't pick scary, but that damn mannequin/doll fucked with my mind all the way through high school, even though I never saw the movie!
What did you like better: Goosebumps or Are You Afraid of The Dark? I never read either. Somehow, I just couldn't bring myself to 'previewing' Sparky's reading, and when it started giving him bad dreams, he was cut off completely. I'd forgotten that edict until recently when we got into a screaming match because he wouldn't show me what book he was reading at the library...because he was afraid it would get him into trouble. It was a Goosebumps book. I think he's over the fear by now!
What do you prefer: Resident Evil or Silent Hill? Neither, please-and-thank-you.
What was the scariest video game you have played? The Sims is never scary.
What are you doing for Halloween this year? Passing out whatever candy I don't eat to cute kids.
What is your biggest pet peeve about trick-or-treaters? Clueless parents. But we don't have too many of those, really, around here.
What was your favorite jack-o-lantern you helped carve? Sparky and I did an awesome wolf last year. Beast did an emoticon this year: ;-)
Have you ever been out on Devils Night? No, because (here's a huge hint about my location) I don't live anywhere near Detroit.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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