From (who else) the left...yada yada
Ghosts or Goblins? Assuming I believed in either...ghosts.
Zombies or Vampires? Assuming I believed in these in any but a metaphorical sense, zombies.
Witches or Hags? Witches
Werewolves or Frankenstein? Frankenstein (I like my wolves to be 100% canine).
Black Cats or bats? Bats
Trick or Treat? Treat
Candy Corn or Candy Apples? Candy corn
Pumpkins or Squash? Squash
Orange or Purple lights? Orange
Toads or Spiders? Spiders
Lanterns or Lit Pumpkins? Pumpkins, lit.
Skeletons or Mummies? Mummies
What were you last year for Halloween? A single parent for the night.
What are you going to be this year? A blogger.
Favorite costume you have ever worn? I zombied at the library one year; it was pretty funny.
How do you spend your Halloween? During the day, I do the same thing I'd do if it weren't Halloween. At night, I hand out candy and ooh-and-aahhh over the kiddies.
Are you or are you not going trick or treating this year? I eat my own candy (and whatever people bring in to work tomorrow. Tooth decay, ahoy!
Did or do you pull Halloween pranks? Nope, sorry, not my thing at all.
Do you believe in ghosts? Not as such, not in Halloween terms.
Are you superstitious? Only very vaguely.
Do you like caramel popcorn? really....
Have you ever gone in the country to look for pumpkins? I frickin' live in the country!? Let me give you a hint: wandering around the countryside in search of pumpkins the way this question'd die of exposure first. I buy my pumpkins at a farm. A farm where pumpkins are grown.
Have you ever been on a hayride? Yup. Miss those....
Do you decorate your home for Halloween? What is this "decorate" of which you speak?
Have you ever been to a haunted house? The kind you have to pay to go in and be jumped at, yes. I worked in one for three (?) years. I had my head cut off (over and over) one year, took money one year, and rose from a coffin another year.
Have you ever been to a graveyard on Halloween? drive past one every day. Not really that scary to me.
Have you ever attended a Halloween party? A couple. Again, not really my thing.
Do you watch scary movies on Halloween? Why should I break with tradition and start doing that?
Have you ever had your candy stolen from you? Not exactly.
Did you ever steal any one's candy? No.
Has anyone ever gotten hurt due to your prank? What prank?
Have you ever dressed as a witch/warlock? Nope. Neither.
Are your parents into Halloween? "Into," no. They always bought candy, or rather Mom did. Dad was an equal-opportunity holiday-eschewer. He liked having the candy around, though. hee
Do you know someone who was born on Halloween? Noo, I know someone born 11/1, though.
Passed out candy? Of course. I love it.
Bobbed for apples? Once. Hated it. Stupid game.
Gone to a pumpkin patch? See above. Every year.
Hosted a Halloween Party? No, thanks.
Attended a Halloween Party? Yes.
Made pumpkin pie? Absolutely not! Yuck. I buy the pumpkin pies that are served in my house, because making them would make me unable to eat for several days. Yuck yuck yuck.
Raked leaves? Yes, and that's why I love wind.
Watched the Travel Channel with the Halloween specials? Probably. Not this year, however. Beast is painting, so the TV is off.
HAVE YOU SEEN: (this'll be easy, since I haven't seen many scary movies...)
Amityville Horror? Nope. Read the book which scared me just about enough.
Halloween? No
Last House On The Left? Never even heard of it!
House Of Wax? No.
Tales From The Crypt? I saw a couple of these.
The Exorcist? No. I read the book, however, knowing that my brother had not only gone to see the movie several years previous, but had had to leave halfway through it. The book was actually pretty good, as horror novels go.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre? No.
Pumpkinhead? No.
The Sixth Sense? No.
All or any of the Nightmare On Elm Street? No.
Practical Magic? No.
Any or all of The Simpsons Halloween episodes? No.
The Munsters? OK, that show is 100% scare-free. I watched it, but always thought it was sorta lame.
The Adams [sic] Family? Now THIS show...THIS one was wonderful!! I loved Gomez and Uncle Fester and Lurch...OMG, Lurch! To die for (funny).
Elvira? Only in a very passing way, when others were watching.
The Lost Boys? No.
Contact? No.
Hocus Pocus? No.
Edward Scissorhands? I'm embarrassed to admit that I've never seen this....
Friday the 13th? No.
Childs Play? No.
The Shining? Nope, but I read the book in the mountains, in a cabin alone with a friend (no adults with us). Didn't sleep real well the night I finished it. And I've drived past the hotel they used to film the movie several times.
Salems Lot? HEY! Yes, I saw this, the TV version with the guy from ...damn, David...David....David SOUL! The book was millions of times better. Not that I'm a S.King groupie or anything. Really. No, really.
Fright Night? No.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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