Monday, October 22, 2007

Monday's a Bitch

(Link at left)

1. If you could pause your aging process, at what age would you choose do to it? (Meaning you would not live forever, but live for 90 or so years at whatever age you chose).
Oh, ugh! This sounds like hell on earth to me! I would be bored out of my mind. Pass.
2. At what age did you (or will you) consider yourself to be an adult?
I knew childhood was completely over when I understood (and cared about) the word "escrow" which was around the time I was also discussing (and caring about) the purchase of appliances and furnaces.
3. What do you think will be your most annoying trait when you’re a senior?
Repeating myself. I do it already!
4. How does your current life compare with where you thought you’d be at this point when you were young?
For the most part, it's just where I (vaguely) expected to be. I didn't think too much about any age past about 30 when I was a kid. From 30 to 60 was a vast bog of "boring."
5. When would you like to retire? What do you see yourself doing with your life after retirement?
Retire? Hah! I very much doubt that there will be any Social Security money left when I reach my mid-60s. If I really could retire, I would love to travel all over for a few years. If that conflicted with being around my grandchildren, Uh, I dunno. I've got more than 20 years to figure this out, assuming the best. Which I don't.

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