Sunday, October 7, 2007

By the Way Sunday

(Link at left)

Do you watch daytime soap operas? If so, which one is your favorite?
No. Have not watched seriously since high school, but was forced to watch at a previous job when I had lunch with a DOOL fan (or as I prefer to call her, a drooler).
Have you ever heard of Bobby Sherman? If so, name something he did.
The Bobby Sherman I know sang pop songs when I was really young. I can't think of any of his hits off the top of my head, but he did have great hair.
What old TV show would you like to see brought back to TV, remade for today?
Nope. Don't ruin my favorites. Come up with new stuff, don't rework good stuff.
Can you name the members of the Jackson 5?
Well, MICHAEL (der), and Jermaine, and Marlon, and Tito, least one other one.
If you had to, which would you give up, your TV or your computer?
TV, in a heartbeat!
What song is currently your favorite?
Still like Mary J's version of "One." And several songs of Melissa Etheridge's latest album. And "Biko" and "Amazing Grace" and "Sunrise Sunset" and "Edelweiss."

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