Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Found at Liz's

Dennis Kucinich
Score: 48
Stem-Cell Research
Health Care
Social Security
Line-Item Veto
Death Penalty

-- Take the Quiz! --

Uh? OK then. Why do I always like the ones who could never, in a million years, win??

For the record, here are my scores on the rest of the crew, God help us:
Mike Gravel--Score: 38

Bill Richardson--Score: 38

Chris Dodd--Score: 34

Hillary Clinton--Score: 31

John Edwards--Score: 31

Barack Obama--Score: 31

Joe Biden--Score: 25

Rudy Giuliani--Score: 21

Ron Paul--Score: 20

Mitt Romney--Score: 12

Jim Gilmore--Score: 5

John McCain--Score: 4

Sam Brownback--Score: 3

Mike Huckabee--Score: 3
I've never heard of some of these people. I'm also rather surprised at my distance from McCain, and the fact that Giuliani made it to double digits.

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