Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Blogdrive Insanity

(Link at left)
Tool Day
(And I'd just like to say that there have been a number of tools in my life lately.....)

. . . tell me your favorite or most used . . .

1. Kitchen tool
My favorite is still my stove.I love the glass top; it's clean ALL THE TIME! How did I deal with regular burners for 40 years??
2. Computer/internet tool
Hmmm ..... probably Bloglines or other aggregators.
3. Relaxation tool
Pencil and crossword. Or a book.
4. Organizational tool
Nuf said?
5. "Tool" tool (things you'd buy at a hardware store).
We lost power again last night. Thank goodness we're pros: there is (at least) one of these in each room of the house now:

0 sweet-talkers :

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