Thursday, September 27, 2007

3x Thursday

(Link at left)
Did You Do It?

1. As a kid, were you ever wrongly accused (and punished, if it went that far) for something you didn't do? If so, what was it? What happened?
I find it really interesting that, while I'm sure this happened, not only can I not remember instances of it, but I can only remember instances when I purposefully got people my brother in trouble on my account! I was a mean little sister. And I rarely got in trouble as I got older, just because a) at home, it was just me so I learned that if shit happened it would be my fault so don't let shit happen, and b) I never wanted to be noticed for anything bad at school either.
2. What about as an adult? Do you think it's worse to be accused as a child or an adult? Why/why not?
I think it's worse to be accused than to admit up front that you screwed up. I also think it's worse to be accused in front of other people. Furthermore, if it wasn't my fault--yeah, I tend to get a little angry. Ahem. An angry Cat. is not a good thing. However, there is a difference between "accusing" and "asking" and I do try to make that distinction before I go Rambo on someone.
3. Why do you think people like and/or make things up about people?
Low self-esteem and a desire for drama. It really annoys people like this if they go to the trouble of making shit up and you don't react. It's actually very funny to watch their bubble burst all over their face. In any case, there's definitely an aura of 12-year-old about making things up about people. Can we reach adulthood, please?

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