Kwizgiver called this "wackadoo"--see what you think...
Do you have any known, proven haunted houses in your town? I don't really believe in ghosts, but there are lots of publshed stories about a ghost haunting a local public building where our library used to live 100 years ago. It has a more prominent use now, which I'm not going to get into. Anyway, the ghost is partial to one seat in the building, and is supposedly fairly quiet and not scary at all. Seems to me there are some other stories about other ghosts in other older buildings....I ignore them. There's enough to be afraid of that's real....
When was the last time you cussed someone out? I rarely cuss people out to their faces. I may go into another room and mutter under my breath until I calm down, but I rarely call people out in this way.
Do you think Mel Gibson should make a movie called 'The Passion of Mohammad'? Yeah, he'd be the perfect person to make this movie...of course not! Let him stick to being retarded about Jews and 'speaking' Mayan. It's all safer that way...unless you're Jewish. Or Mayan.
Would you rather spend money on war, or feeding the starving? Oh, hello: what kind of a choice is this?! Of course we should be feeding the hungry! But who is going to admit that they really think that killing people is better than feeding them? That doesn't mean that sometimes war is justified. (not the current one, mind you...)
When your pants are too long for you, do you take them to a tailor to have them taken up, or do you just roll up the cuffs? I can't even tell you the last time slacks or jeans were too long for me. This has not been an issue for me in the past 25 years. It's more likely that they'll be too short.
Do you feel it is better to burn out than to fade away? Wouldn't everyone choose bang? On the other hand, I don't want to bang too soon (oh, stop, you guys!).
Do you think that everyone in the world is prejudice [sic] in one way or another? I think it's perfectly healthy to pre-judge some things. For instance, if you're a woman wearing a halter and torn cut-offs, I think walking alone into an unknown bar at 1 a.m. is probably not the safest thing you could do. It may not be PC to say it, but prejudice keeps us alive sometimes. Now, if you're talking about unwarranted, irrational fears, that's a whole other story.
Do you ever type in alternating capital and lowercase letters? That question ranks up their with "Do you ever drive toothpicks under your fingernails?" No. That makes me NUTS when I see it. I can't even imagine trying it.
Would you trust Ann Coulter more or less if she was less good looking? I don't care what she looks like: her inner ugliness shines through. Do people actually find her physically attractive? I think she looks like a blond praying mantis....
Were you offended by Prince Harry recently wearing a fake Nazi uniform to a private costume party? This is a pretty old quiz...that wasn't very recent. I think it showed his youth and an utter disregard for history that's pretty amazing. Are there no neo-Nazis in Britain? (she says with blatant sarcasm--because she knows better)
Is black nail polish simply a color, or a statement of individuality? Depends on who is wearing it. It's probably both for someone my age. For someone who is 16 it might just be a color.
Do you own any 'granny' underwear? Fuck yeah. Note that I'm not about to tell you what I'm wearing right now, however. ;-)
Does your favorite movie have a male or female protagonist? Female. Hmm...I wonder if it would be as funny if the gender roles were switched? It would be a very different movie, that's for sure....
Do we only die because we accept death as an inevitability? No, we die because our bodies break.
Is it embarrassing to buy pads/tampons? Not anymore. They are never for me. ;-)
Do you believe in vampires? Only metaphorically.
Do you or does anyone you know have gray eyes? I don't, but I've known several people with them.
Do you know how to whistle? Yes, I do. I'm such a geek that I whistle along with rock songs in the car (when I don't know the words, usually).
Is Hollywood too skinny? I have this mental picture of the city of Hollywood squeezed into a 3-inch wide strip of space. Our culture pushes thinness to insane limits, yes. Whether it's Hollywood or Mad Ave, or some other Evil Place, I don't want to try to dissect tonight.
Did Romeo really love Juliet? He thought he did, and that's all that matters in the time they were allowed. [It would NEVER have worked out between them!!]
Were the events of 9/11 more or less traumatic than the assassination of JFK?
I wouldn't know from personal knowledge: I was 10 days old when JFK was shot. However, we've had other presidents killed before JFK. I don't think we've ever had any large-scale attacks on U.S. soil by an outside organization like 9/11 since Pearl Harbor. But this is sort of like comparing blueberries to huckleberries, really.
Is it really so wrong to kiss your pet on the lips? Eeeuw. My dogs would never go for this; they always went right to licking my face, sticking the tongue up the nose. Not exactly romantic.
Do you think teenagers have an unjustified lack of respect for the police? "Unjustified"? I think it's the job of teenagers (which I first typed as "teenangers" hee hee) to buck authority at all corners. That's just normal. For most teens however, once they are actually talking directly to a cop, they suddenly find deep pools of "yes, sir"/"no ma'am" from which to draw. Maybe it's the gun? I do think the cops come down on kids hard--too hard--sometimes.
Do you REALLY fear God? In the sense of having deep-seated respect for God's power, yes. In the sense of being afraid of God, not really. But I like Kwizgiver's answer too: "i fear organized religion."
Do you think intelligent people are a minority? It's hard to be intelligent about everything all the time. Yes.
Do you often practice what you preach? Are you asking if I'm a hypocrite? Sometimes, yes. Having a teen in the house means having an ever-present Hypocrisy Meter with you. sigh
Should the Democratic Party dissolve itself? Sure. Just as soon as the last vestiges of the Republican Party have dissipated in the wind.
What sort of retarded question is that?
Is smoking weed acceptable, or just another way to escape? As far as I can see, smoking pot (ahem) is ONLY not acceptable because of the legal issues surrounding it. So, my answer is smoking weed SHOULD BE acceptable AS another way of escape. No different from TV, blogging, video games, and reading books.
Do you feel uncomfortable sharing drinks with other people? Sharing the same glass? Yes. Absolutely!! Except maybe Beast. I try very very hard to avoid sharing with Sparky! Backwash much...?
Are you drawn to people with psychological problems? Not as much as I used to be. I think having one specific person provide me with a little tiny taste of the drama that can be mixed up in mental disorders (bipolarity in this case) cured me of the romance of Saving People. Honestly, I never really have gotten into that whole deal. Save yourself first; isn't that hard enough?
Do you want to be abducted by aliens? Where are the aliens from? Mars or Canada? Actually, y'know the whole "abduction" part of that just doesn't seem too fun.
Do you have a fear of going to court? My mom worked in a court. I don't exactly 'fear' court, but like my feelings about God above (oh blasphemy!!), I have a healthy respect for the psychological weight of a courtroom.
Do you think there are a lot of differences between American residents and British residents? Well, yeah. And then, no. A case can be made on either side, but ultimately we're all human, right?
Do you think it is strange to see a woman who is a die-hard NASCAR fan? Well, hmm. I'm not exactly a die-hard (ha ha ha, very punny) race fan, but I do know that Tony Stewart drives for Home Depot and Matt Kenseth drives for DeWalt and Arby's, and that Jr. hasn't won a race in about a billion starts. I also know they are racing at Watkins Glen next weekend.
If you have never been in the stands at the start of a professional auto race, don't talk to me about what is strange: it is completely understandable. And for a woman who is really into power, noise, mechanics, and competition...well, so much the better!
Should indigo be a color of the rainbow? Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, INDIGO, Violet.
I don't make the rules, I don't name the colors, but the fact is that someone, somewhere has decided that indigo is the name for part of the color spectrum. Why argue about this? Aren't there more important things to worry about?
Would you marry for fame? Nope. I'd anti-marry if faced with it, in fact!
Do you prefer wood floors or carpet? I guess lino is right out, then? OK, I like rugs in the winter, but my allergies dictate that wood floors are better for me. So, at some point, Beast will be taking up the carpets in the dining room, living room, and our bedroom. Wheeee.
Do you think animals are capable of deeper thought? Hell, I'm not convinced that some humans are! Look at the present administration!!
Do you think most women are feminists these days? I think they are, but a lot of them are too historically uneducated to admit it.
What are better: contacts or glasses? I can't wear contacts (allergies) and the whole concept sorta grosses me out.
Do you ever have the urge to pull out your hair? Only when I'm done pounding my head into brick walls. This generally happens after about three seconds spent shopping for clothes with my son.
Does your computer attempt to eat your soul? Eat it? I'm on my third soul because of all the damage computers have caused me!!
Do you care if people take offense to your entires? heh heh heh.
Oh, I suppose this is supposed to say "entries." Some people probably do (see my comments re Ann Coulter and the U.S. government, and God). If I felt I was egregiously hurting the feelings of anyone close to me, I probably would retract/delete the post.
What if this is supposed to say "entrees" though...?
Do you think Abercrombie & Fitch is over-priced? Yup. Haven't ever been in the store. Allergies. I actually have had to hold my breath as I walked past the doors in a mall because of the amount of crap they have floating around in the air to make it smell...whatever it's supposed to smell like in there!
Are insane asylums more creepy or helpful? Well, if you call them "insane" asylums, they're pretty creepy. "Asylum" is a nice word that has been co-opted in an unfortunate way. I think, however, that mostly they are called mental health facilities now. And having been on a suicide ward a couple of times (visiting), they creep me the fuck out!!
Is it possible to hate a group you belong to? Yes. See "Heathers" for more information.
Do you think Disney World is a trap led by a mouse? Yes, dear, now go take your lithium.
Would you marry someone even if they weren't romantic? EVER? Probably not. ALWAYS? Probably not. I tend toward thinking I wouldn't marry someone if he weren't practical-minded and sensible about most things.
Do you think it is right for religions to criticize other religions? Explain to me how "a religion" criticizes or does anything. This is very monolithic. I think religious leaders should clean their own houses awfully thoroughly before they start working on other houses.
Do you think that crying is what makes us human? No. I think genetics is what makes us human.
When chewing gum, can you blow a bubble? Imagine the furrows in my forehead getting deeper (the mouse question alone has caused10 years of age in my eyebrow area!)... Yes. I. Can. Even with gum that's not designed for bubble-blowing (like Trident Spearmint).
Do you have a celebrity crush? I really like William Petersen.
If George W. Bush came to visit your town, would you go see him? Absolutely not! OMG--so going to be out of town that day!
However, lest you think that's partisan politics, I wouldn't want to be dealing with the visit of anyone I actually liked, either. When we were in Greece, the Pope came to visit for the first time in a millenia. I liked JP2 just fine, but we totally left Dodge that day, literally headed for the hills (of Delphi). What a nightmare Athens was! Our hotel was right across from a police station, and it was a zoo that night (and probably all day, too).
Do you have patience with children? Sometimes. More with other people's than with my own, at times!
Do you like Gwen Stefani better in No Doubt, or as a solo artist? Wevs (hi Ames).
Has anyone ever told you that you look like a whore? Dad suggested I looked like a member of some primitive tribe when I got my ears pierced; that's about the closest I think I've ever come to being insulted for something I was wearing (or not wearing, as the case may be).
Do you have a good luck charm? I'm not sure I believe in luck. No charm, anyway.
What is the better cartoon: Spongebob or Scooby Doo? Both funny. Scooby could get really annoying... I really don't care that much about cartoons.
Men: Boxers or Briefs? Whatever they're comfortable in, as long as it's the right size! But, please, guys: pick one or the other, not "neither." Ugh.
Women: Underwire or not? Most women need the support. I personally don't like wires, and there are other options out there. But hey, if you want to look droopy, saggy and generally unkempt, who am I to stop you?
Do you own a thong? A couple, and some shoes that I still slip up and call "thongs."
When you sing, do you use your hands? To turn the pages, yes. To "emote," no. In fact, if I start doing that--for real--somebody duct tape my arms to my body, please?
Is your best friend less than a year apart from your own age? My best friend is within 6 days of my age!!
Are you a salt or sugar person?
I prefer eating sugar to salt bigtime. However, I'm not, personality-wise, very sweet. Mostly, I'm...what? Sour? Gee, that sounds fabulous, eh?
Are you a noisy chewer? I chew with my mouth closed, mostly. ;-) If the food is noisy, then I suppose I'm noisy as well.
Do you get annoyed when you see other teenagers driving nice, new, expensive cars? Nice, now you're implying that I'm a teenager...!
Would you rather be in love, or have a lot of friends? Friends. I don't really like the whole "in love" thing. It's a little too out of control, frequently ends badly, and if you don't have friends, you're toast at that point.
Is lunch the best part of school for you? Again with the assumption of school...
OK, I eat my lunch at my desk at work, usually reading a review journal, or email, at the same time. It is NOT the best part of the day. It's just part of the day.
Was the Cheshire Cat secretly laughing at Alice and purposely misleading her subsequently allowing her to go to the queen to nearly get her head whacked off? Huh? The Cheshire Cat...I always wanted to smack that stupid-ass smile off its face, but I never thought it was Evil (to be said in true Church-Lady tones).
Are you sorry to see Colin Powell go? Where? You mean out of the administration? Yes. He was the only person I had a tiny bit of respect and trust in. Which is why he needed to go, before he was completely contaminated.
Do you remember when swearing was considerably wrong? Still is in my family (of birth). We couldn't even say "poop" or "geez." {{MAJOR eyeroll}}
Do you prefer questions about religion or politics? Depends on the company I'm in. I feel more qualified to discuss religious questions, and the whole political quagmire will launch me into Crazy Land in about 3 minutes.
Do you have a tire swing? Our tallest tree is less than 20 feet high. It would have to be a Matchbox tire swing....
Do you have a secret identity? Only online. ;-)
Do you think Bill Cosby is racist?
Are crazy people a barrel of fun? Well, first shall we define crazy?
If this refers to mentally ill people, see my comments above.
If this refers to people who do stupid things for fun, then no. They are just stupid.
Do your friends make fun of your religion or your beliefs? Uhm, no. I think they would probably not be my friends for very long. OK a little light teasing is fine, pointing out stupidity is fine, but actively belittling it in a thoughtless way, not ok. We can discuss, we can argue, but just saying hurtful things is not ok.
Do you have a light switch that glows when it is off? Hmmm, I'm not sure we do....
Would you ever date someone you used to babysit? aaack. No. Though, frankly, they would, at least, not be out of my league now! I was usually only about 4-8 years older than most of the kids. If it weren't for Beast, I could see dating someone around 35 and up.
Are you a land lover or a water baby? Can't swim, don't like small boats at all (sorry Chris)...definitely land!
Do you think that smoking should be banned from public places? Yes.
Do you feel that one day the clouds will part and it will be your time to shine? Oy. {Eyeroll} Stake your claim. Do your shining whenever, and wherever, you can.
Which mountain range - the Appalachians or the Rockies? The Appalachians, while lovely...really wonderful (now that I've been there), are not "real mountains." Only the Rockies are real. [ok, I'm prejudiced on this one....]
Do you feel sorry for president Bush, since he is one of the most ridiculed world leaders ever? No, I feel sorry for the people of Mississippi and Louisiana who lost everything to Katrina, and then got raped by FEMA's lack of...everything. I feel sorry for our soldiers in Iraq who are fighting a war they can't win. I feel sorry for the people of Darfur because we as a nation have done NOTHING to help them. Bush isn't any more ridiculed than Reagan was, and it actually seems to be more justified (trust me, that's saying something: I really hated Reagan!).
Do you consider the major religions to be in competition with each other? Unfortunately, a lot of the Big Name Leaders seem to be in a pissing match. On a more local level, however, I rarely see that. The Jewish, Buddhist, and Christian (I'm not aware of any Muslim places to worship here, yet) leaders in this area get along very ecumenically, for the most part.
Is hiding the truth the same thing as telling a lie? It is if you're Catholic, I believe. Sin of omission v. sin of commission.
Do you feel pretty, witty, and gay right now? The city should give me its key. In fact, I'm charming, so charming it's alarming how charming I feel!!
Did you know the alphabet before you went to school? I was reading books out loud to my Kindergarten class.
Would you support a Constitutional Amendment allowing foreign-born citizens to run for president, just so Arnold Schwarzenegger has a chance? Just for that reason? No. What a stupid reason that would be--it would take too long to get it passed. Amendments have to be ratified by 34 (?) states before they even go before the U.S. Congress. I think we should spend a little more time and effort getting an ERA passed, myself. [If you don't know what that is, you really are ignorant.]
Does the concept of aliens and UFOs frighten you? I don't really think they are our biggest concern, assuming they even exist (or care about us).
Can watching sports become a sickness? Too much of ANYthing can be a sickness.
Do you think conservatives and liberals are becoming less tolerant of each other as time goes on? Yes. There is no middle ground for politicians. It is insane.
Is Coca-Cola overrated?...who cares... It's better than the off-brands, more consistent, and yeah...I need the stuff (assuming we're speaking broadly of pop now) to get through my days. Can you say Really, Truly Addicted Cat??
Do you know the Macarena? Yep. Would I do it in public, stone sober? Nope.
Do you collect anything? Salt & pepper shakers. And a lot of paper. And dust.
Which is an uglier fashion trend: Ugg boots or ponchos/shawls? Those Uggs are just NASty. And I agree with Kwizgiver on this one 100%: ponchos scream 70s to me. I hate them. (I had one as a kid--and then four or five years ago Beast bought me one for Christmas. I wore it maybe three times, and about a year ago it found its way into the Goodwill box--buh-BYE!!).
Have you ever eaten the yellow snow? Good God, no! I didn't need Frank Zappa to tell me that, either.
Do you like to go fishing? I'd really prefer to spend the day at home watching my toenails grow. It's about the same level of boredom, without the sunburn potential.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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