Cat., Freud would say your personality is most affected by events that happened when you were between a year and a half and three years old.
Relative to others, your personality today is moderately affected by the events of your childhood. This manifests itself in surprising ways. For example, you have a tendency to be especially orderly or clean. Compared to others, you may also harbor a strong rebellious streak.
I hate that Freud is also bang-on the head. So to speak. Y'know?
[This is from later in the report--and it's where I had to get up and get paper towels to clean up the pop I sprayed all over the monitor when I read it the first time: Interestingly enough, even though anal retentives typically avoid mess, Freud believes that unconsciously they crave it — and therein lies their conflict. Freud felt that this internal unrest also manifested through stubborn behavior. LMAO!! Oh, dear: this totally describes not only me, but Beast as well!]
[And still later: The Genital Period is different from the rest. In order to arrive here successfully, you have to have resolved most conflicts from the other periods. This is no small feat. This is the stage when adult sexuality begins to flourish because the difficulties of childhood sexual development have basically been maneuvered successfully. This was, far and away, where I scored the highest. So there, Freud! Oh, wait, this is still his theory...damn!]
Edited: because I didn't copy the link...sorry! :-)
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