Friday, August 17, 2007

Friday 5

(Link at left)

  1. What were your after-school hours usually like when you were in high school?
    I worked (at the library--shocked?) for a couple of years. Otherwise, I think I pretty much just came home and either did homework, or watched TV and hung out. How in the world did I stay out of trouble so completely?!
  2. What are the first moments like when you finally get home after a long day?
    It's nice when it's quiet, it's nice to be able to just sit and do what I want for a couple of minutes. That doesn't always happen. If it's been a really long day, I will sometimes have a glass of wine to soothe my nerves.
  3. Where do your thoughts normally turn after the December/January holidays have passed?
    I usually just sink into a real funk for the next couple of months. It is wonderful, however, to have all the hectic time over with, and I appreciate having my living room back to being 'normal' after the tree gets put away (much as I like having the tree set up, it does take over the living room).
  4. When did you last allow someone to cut in front of you in line?
    Last week at the fair, standing in line for the (wait for it) bathroom--that's a whole rant by itself!--because it was a little girl, maybe 3, doing a mad version of the pee-pee dance. ;-)
  5. What are you going to do right after you finish answering these questions?
    Probably move on to the next Friday meme. There are an awful lot of them. If it times out right, I may go switch laundry.

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