Q1 - Underwear: Pull up your pants or else! That's the sentiment behind efforts in cities across the U.S. to ban droopy trousers that reveal men's boxer shorts, and baggy sweats that reveal a women's thong. In just the last seven days alone, city councils in Shreveport and Alexandria, Louisiana, and Atlanta, Georgia, have taken up measures in favor of banning fanny-flaunting pants. Do you think it's okay for cities and towns to legislate apparel?
Not unless there's a public safety problem (i.e. gang colors). Frankly, I think we should just post photos of the worst offenders so they can see how ridiculous they look, and then make sure they see those pictures in about 10 years, and promise to show their children the photos. Seems to me the "thong thing" is pretty much over, at least around here. Boys being (generally) slower on the uptake with fashion trends...that will take awhile to stop.Q2 - Compensation: Richard Jewell--the contract security guard who was falsely accused of planting a bomb at the 1996 Summer Olympics, and who despite never being charged with any crime underwent what was considered by many to be a "trial by media" that took a great toll on his personal and professional life--died earlier this week of what appear to be natural causes. Nearly 10 years after his ordeal, in April of 2005, Jewell was completely exonerated when Eric Rudolph pleaded guilty to carrying out the bombing attack at Centennial Olympic Park, as well as three other attacks across the southeast portion of the United States. Considering Jewell's situation, do you feel people who have falsely been accused of major crimes should be entitled to compensatory reparations, or is having to deal with such situations simply the cost we must pay in order to live in a society that affords us with so many freedoms?
Who is going to pay the damages? I absolutely feel the falsely accused should be compensated by the papparazzi and other media folk, but I'm not sure how that would work. It just pisses me off that everyone assumes that if it's in the paper--or, really, if it's on TV--it's true. The follow-up is missing in a lot of stories: it breaks, there's LOTS of coverage, and then....nothing. The original person is released and no one says a thing to him/her.Q3 - Make Room: What particular item of food, regardless of how stuffed you may be, can you always find room for?
If I'm really that full, I stop eating. Nothing sounds good.Q4 - I Insist: Growing up, I had a neighbor who was rumored to wear a brand new dress shirt each and every time he went to work. Never would he wear the same dress shirt twice. What is one thing that you are absolutely particular about?
I think this guy sounds like a lazy bum who never did laundry! But as for my particularities (or peculiarities, to be honest)...time has gradually rinsed them right out of my life. There are a lot of "nevers" and/or "onlies": I never wear high, spiky heels (anymore), I never take pills without something to drink, I only wear mostly-cotton underwear, I never wear socks with sandals.... OK, there, that last one, that's a promise you can take to the grave for me. Never. Ever. Socks + sandals are the devil's handiwork. Feh.
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