Friday, August 31, 2007

Five on Friday

(Link at left)
Speed Trap

1. Have you ever been pulled over? How many times?
Three times.
2. What are you most likely to be pulled over for? (Speeding? Reckless driving? Expired tags/inspection? Bad signal/headlight?)
I got pulled over twice for blowing stop signs. The first time I really did shoot through the intersection, the other time (15 years later) I swear I stopped. And I got stopped for speeding last fall.
3. You're driving along on your merry way when you see a police car. What is your first thought?
I check the speedometer, and my foot probably comes of the accelerator without conscious thought. Otherwise, I don't worry because I almost never speed. Much.
4. When you see a cop car, do you hit your brakes or keep your foot on the gas?
I slow down, not just out of guilt, though I'm sure that's more than 75% of the reason. I also figure there's a chance the cop may need to be somewhere rather suddenly, so I should pay attention.
5. What's your personal speed limit? How do you determine what it is for any given road?
On clear days, I consistenly set my speed 4-5 MPH higher than the posted speed. I have been vindicated by those occasional meters they set up telling you how fast you're going: my speedometer reads about 3 MPH faster than I'm actually going! If there's a lot of traffic, I generally try to stay with the flow, not the fastest but not the slowest either. Around here, if you don't do that, you might as well ride the bus!

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