Speed Trap
1. Have you ever been pulled over? How many times?
Three times.2. What are you most likely to be pulled over for? (Speeding? Reckless driving? Expired tags/inspection? Bad signal/headlight?)
I got pulled over twice for blowing stop signs. The first time I really did shoot through the intersection, the other time (15 years later) I swear I stopped. And I got stopped for speeding last fall.3. You're driving along on your merry way when you see a police car. What is your first thought?
I check the speedometer, and my foot probably comes of the accelerator without conscious thought. Otherwise, I don't worry because I almost never speed. Much.4. When you see a cop car, do you hit your brakes or keep your foot on the gas?
I slow down, not just out of guilt, though I'm sure that's more than 75% of the reason. I also figure there's a chance the cop may need to be somewhere rather suddenly, so I should pay attention.5. What's your personal speed limit? How do you determine what it is for any given road?
On clear days, I consistenly set my speed 4-5 MPH higher than the posted speed. I have been vindicated by those occasional meters they set up telling you how fast you're going: my speedometer reads about 3 MPH faster than I'm actually going! If there's a lot of traffic, I generally try to stay with the flow, not the fastest but not the slowest either. Around here, if you don't do that, you might as well ride the bus!
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