Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Several stolen from Liz

a.k.a. Library Tavern


Gets me in trouble a lot...today, for instance. Oh, well.

IQ Test Score

Close enough. ;-)

Multiple Intelligences

Your Personal Evaluation

The Seven Intelligence Areas

Linguistic: 9

Logical-Mathematical: 2

Spatial: 3

Bodily-Kinesthetic: 3

Musical: 10

Interpersonal: 4

Intrapersonal: 6

A Short Definition of your Highest Score

Musical - the ability to understand and develop musical technique, to respond emotionally to music and to work together to use music to meet the needs of others, to interpret musical forms and ideas, and to create imaginative and expressive performances and compositions. Possible vocations that use the musical intelligence include technician, music teacher, instrument maker, choral, band, and orchestral performer or conductor, music critic, aficionado, music collector, composer, conductor, and individual or small group performer.
Or, yeah...how about NOT....

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