Monday, July 16, 2007

Monday's a Bitch

(Link at left)
Animal Print

1. Do you own anything with leopard print on it? (What about tiger print, snakeskin, or zebra print?)
I do have some leopard print stuff, but that's all. I don't really, normally, "do" animal prints in my clothing (or decor, for that matter), unless it's a team logo of some kind. I can't think of anything but the leopard stuff.
2. What animal best represents your personality?
Depends on the day. Some days, it would be a really pissed off rattlesnake. Today I sorta feel like a sloth. What animals gets headaches, cuz I've got a doozy today.
3. What pet (other than a cat or dog) would you most want as a pet?
Well. Since I actually can't have cats or dogs as pets, this should be easy, right? We have had zebra finches in the past, and we currently have a guinea pig. The birds were LOUD and quite messy. The pig is perfect, and he smells lovely. What a weird thing to say about an animal, I know. In any case, fish are right out of the question, as are any other pets you can't, er, pet.
4. Would you ever wear fur? What about leather?
I don't see the point in wearing fur. It never gets cold enough around here to justify fur coats. If I lived anywhere near the Arctic Circle, though, damn straight I'd be in fur! As for leather...I love leather. I love the smell, the feel, the whole thing. Again with the smell...what is up with me?!
5. Who is your favourite cartoon animal?
The Roadrunner. And I also have a soft spot for Daffy Duck.

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