(I did this all the other night and then lost the answers....aargh)--and I don't remember where I found it either...sorry
1. Did you ever end a sentence with the word "PSYCH!" Yes, though not with a lot of seriousness.
2. Did you ever own a pound puppy? Nope
3. Which "heavy metal" group did you like? I tended more towards Light Metal: Bon Jovi, some Poison, some Motley Crue...
4. What was your favorite Blondie song? The "cars on Mars" one.
5. Strawberry Shortcake or Holly Hobby? I loathe Strawberry Shortcake. I was a little into Holly Hobby when I was about 12 (that would be the 70s, btw).
6. Admit it, you owned the Strawberry Shortcake little scented dolls? Them's fightin' words, partner.
7. What are "Hammer Pants", and what is "Hammer Time?" Those baggy gaucho pants M.C. Hammer & his (male) dancers wore in his videos. I'm not sure what the hell Hammer Time is (was?), but I'm sure it's over now that the money's gone.
8. Fraggle Rock or the Muppets Show? Muppets, no question.
9. Saturday Mornings - Smurfs or Kids Inc.? Never watched Saturday morning TV, but I feel the same way about the Smurfs as I do about Strawberry Shortcake.
10. Did you rock the side ponytail? I had short hair for most of the 80s, so no.
11. Did you play the game MASH (Mansion, Apartment, Shelter, House)? ...huh?
12. How many pairs of L.A. Gear did you own? Zero.
13. Tales of the Fourth Grade Nothing or Are you There God? It's Me Margaret? Margaret. I'm not sure I read the other one!
14. Did you ever "wax on" and "wax off"? Hella no!
15. Do you even know what I'm talking about? Yep.
16. Did you wear flourescent clothing (Be Truthful!)? I had one REALLY YELLOW shirt that I loved...till I outgrew it. :-(
17. Michael Jackson or Prince? MJ till about '86, but Prince edged him out (and then shoved him aside) all the rest of the way.
18. Name three actors from the movie Goonies. Never saw it.
19. Cabbage Patch Kids or Garbage Pail Kids? I think I was too old for either, tho' the GPK thing was similar to a series of stickers I had on all my notebooks in 6th grade.
20. What lunch box did you carry to school? In the 80s? I was in high school and college (and adulthood). Does not apply!
21. Slap bracelets? Weird, but I remember 'em. Never owned one that I remember. They did make nice bookmarks, as I recall. ;-)
22. Hypercolor t-shirts or Jelly Shoes? Since I wouldn't ever wear (still won't) jelly shoes, I'll go with T-shirts. I always go with T-shirts.
23. George Michael or Boy George? I liked 80s pop, so BOTH.
24. Friendship Pins or Friendship Bracelets? Too old for either.
25. Madonna or Cyndi Lauper? I (still) totally *heart* Cyndi, but I have a great deal of respect for Madge's ability to control and manage her career.
26. Did you wear penny loafers with a penny in them, and rolled up jeans? Penny loafers--no, I remembered them from my childhood when they were dorky. Rolled up jeans--I just bought them short and pegged. What was I thinking??
27. What 80's movie did Julia Roberts mark her debut in (*hint* not pretty woman)? Mystic Pizza.
28. Do you know what happened to Baby Jessica? I hear she's in college now.... Still has a scar on her forehead. Maybe she's the female Harry Potter. ;-)
29. What TV show did Johnny Depp get his start? 21 Jump Street, which I NEVER watched.
30. Corey Haim or Corey Feldman? ..eh...
31. Did you own a Rubix cube, and if so, were you able to ever solve it? First of all, I'm pretty sure it's "Rubick's Cube" and no I never had one because I never needed to feel that stupid.
32. What NFL team performed the "Superbowl Shuffle"? 1985 (?) Chicago Bears. 'Scuse me while I vomit....
33. Where were you when the space shuttle "Challenger" blew up? Just finishing a class in film studies. Mike G@ll@nt stopped us outside his office and told us, then we went and watched on the large-screen TV in the Pit.
34. Run DMC remade what group's song "Walk this Way", and performed the new take with them? Aerosmith
35. Frankie says? R E L A X
36. How many swatches did you own? Do you remember the colors? No Swatches. My niece had several though.
37. New Coke or Classic Coke? At that stage, I didn't care as long as it wasn't Diet Coke. They both tasted about the same to me.
38. Who was your favorite Facts of Life character? Jo. Of course.
39. Prince Charles and Diana or Luke and Laura? I was over GH by then: Chuck and Di.
40. Did you own an Atari? If so, what was your favorite game? Are you kidding? No.
41. What is the "Eye of the Tiger"? That song by some group that never had another hit. Also the subtitle and theme song from one of the Rocky movies. Anything else, I'd never know. Haven't seen a single one of the Rocky films.
42. Are you singing it in your head now? Shit. Damn. YES!
43. Did you think high school was going to be like Fast Times at Ridgemont High? I was in h.s. when it came out. When I read the book on which it was based, I found it a relatively good representation of some aspects of my experience.
44. Pretty in Pink or Sixteen Candles? Molly Ringwald=induced vomiting in me. Neither.
45. What movie provided the famous line..."THEIR HEEEEERRRRREEE"? Poltergest. Have you watched that recently? OMG! Hysterically silly.
46. Did you wear leg warmers? My college roommate, a former dancer, assured me this was a ridiculous fad, so no.
47. Wacky Wallwalker or Stretch Armstrong? Wallwalkers. Do they still make these??
48. Pee Wee sang "The Stars at Night...are Big and Bright!" in what famous movie? Doesn't it sort of have to be his Big Adventure? Dunno--I also never saw that movie.
49. Couldn't wait for the summer for Slip and Slide? This involved potentially broken bones. I never used one. We did play Jarts though, at my sister's house.
50. Did you wear scrunched up socks with your reeboks? Yes, except I don't think I've ever owned Reeboks. Unfortunately, I also missed the cancellation of this fad, so I did that for WAY too long.
51. Rainbow Bright or My Little Pony? OK, a two-fer. They are both Devil Spawn.
52. Magic Johnson or Larry Bird? I don't care. Basketball bores the snot outta me.
53. We Are the World or The Greatest Love of All? Oh, feh, NEITHER, hate them both. I do like "Do They Know It's Christmas" however.
54. Did you say "What you talking 'bout Willis"? I say it more now than I ever did then. Didn't watch Diffrent Strokes much as a kid. (never watch it now, either, to be clear)
55. What was the hair spray of choice for girls around the nation to unreasonably tease their hair? I never teased my hair. I have naturally buoyant hair. hee hee Oh, and the aforementioned short 'do for most of the 80s.
56. Did you own banana clips? Yep. Later, mostly, though.
57. The Cosby Show or Family Ties? Watched, and liked, 'em both.
58. Did you ever think She-Ra and He-man should have hooked up? {{shrug}} So they could have a kid named She-He??
59. Barbie or Jem? Barbie. In the 70s.
60. Do you remember going to the skating ring BEFORE inline skates? I've actually never laced on a pair of inline skates, but I have roller-skated. Even owned a pair.
61. What fast food restaurant put out the famous commercial, Where's the Beef? Wendy's. Back when they had normal commercials, semi-edible food, and Dave Thomas was still around.
62. Did you rush home to watch the "After School Specials"? Not in the 80s. Sometimes in the 70s.
63. Ferris Bueller or Teen Wolf? Oh, so totally Ferris Bueller. What was Teen Wolf? Was that that horrible Michael J. Fox movie??
64. You still have the "Eye of the Tiger" in your head, don't you? Fuck. You. ;-)
65. Who ya gonna call? "GHOSTBUSTERS!"
66. Flashdance or Footloose? Footloose. After my commentary on legwarmers above, would it surprise you to know that I never saw Flashdance?
67. Tiffany or Debbie Gibson? Debbie Gibson, but primarily because she was first and never (to my knowledge) toured in malls.
68. What was the first video MTV played? Video Killed the Radio Star. Or was it Bette Davis Eyes? The controversy still swirls (like a toilet flushing).
69. What was ET's favorite candy? Reese's Pieces, because M&Ms would pony up the sponsorship fee. Nice job with the marketing, guys!
70. What TV show did Bruce Willis star in? Moonlighting. Best work he ever did. The Die Hard movies were (are) all right, but I loved Moonlighting.
71. What was the name of the talking car in Knight Rider? KITT
72. What song had the words "Gag me with a spoon"? Valley Girl (thank you Moon Unit). And wasn't that, like, the 70s? Maybe not. It's all a big blur....
73. What character on a TV show liked to eat cats? Was that Alf? My in-laws loved that show. I thought it was stupid and mean-spirited.
74. Name six members of the Brat Pack? Ally Sheedy, the evil Molly Ringwald, Judd Nelson, Andrew McCarthy, Emilio Estevez, Rob Lowe....
75. Duran Duran or Depeche Mode? Never really understood the hoopla over the Duranies. I liked Depeche ok though.
76. What group did New Order evolve from? Joy Division?
77. What was the name of the Bjork fronted 80's band? Sugarcubes?
78. Name all five New Kids on the Block. Sneezy, Sleepy, Dopey, Bashful, and Happy? (was completely unimpressed by everything NKotB-related)
79. What TV actress co-starred in the movie "Howard the Duck"? The Mom in the Back to the History movies...Lea...something.
80. Name the 4th original member of Depeche Mode, went on to form Yaz, and then another more lasting group? No clue, but I know who the lead singer of Yaz was; do I get points for that?
81. What speed did Marty have to reach in order to activate the flux capacitor (*hint* Back to the Future*) Beast said 83. I think it was 88.
82. Name Buck Rogers pal. Sorry, no clue.
83. What was the name of the bartender on The Love Boat? Isaac Washington. The best person on the damn boat, hands-down.
84. What was the name of the once Morissey-fronted band of the 80's? Smiths?
85. Did you wear the Izod polo shirts? "Could I afford" IZOD? No, so no.
86. Esprit, Guess, or Forenza? See above. Also, no.
87. Did you think you would be killed by pop rocks and soda *be honest*? No, I tried it in the 70s and survived.
88. The California Raisins or Spuds McKenzie? Spuds. Shorter life span and not animated.
89. Did you skateboard, and if so, did you make sure you had on all your Vision Streetwear on before you went out as if you were Gator Rogowski? No. So, no. To be clear, I've never heard of any of this, since those people I did know who were skateboarders wore shorts and went barefoot.
90. Do you remember Max Headroom, and if so, what commercials do you remember him from? He did Coke commercials.
91. Did you own a Beta or VHS? We got a VHS player for our first anniversary in 1987.
92. Do you remember the "Baby on Board" trend? What did you think? I thought it was stupid, but I did like some of the knockoff car tags. Beast and I used to joke that the originals were akin to targets. After all, in an accident you aren't usually aiming. Der.
93. Let's get? Physical? It on? (I suspect the latter is more 70s)
94. What was the name of Don Johnson's character on Miami Vice? Who the fuck cares?? Man, I totally hated that show.
95. Solid Gold or Dance Fever? Solid Gold, especially when Andy Gibb was hosting!
96. Halloween or Friday the 13th? Never saw either, not interested in horror movies.
97. Beat Street or Breakin? ....eh?...wha'...?
98. What Irish rock group had us all singing, Sunday, Bloody Sunday? U2. Still do, for that matter.
99. What was the trendy term for popular music in the 80's?New Wave? I dunno. Seems like there might be several terms, depending on what sort of pop you mean.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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