Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Tuesday Twosome

(Link at left)

1. When was the last time you went on vacation and where did you go?
I'm not sure last week qualifies as a vacation, but we went to Minneapolis with our high school youth group on a mission trip. Before that was March when Sparky and I went to Colorado to see my family.
2. Do you prefer vacations with family or friends?
They each have their good points, but overall I like traveling with Beast the best. We make a good travel pair: I overplan and he forces me to scale back and relax more.
3. What are your two ideal vacation spots?
Right now, I would give almost anything to go back to Moosehead Lake, or Ouray.
4. When is your next vacation and who are you going with?
We head to Tennessee in about two weeks as a family for Elizabeth's wedding. After that, I'm not sure what we'll do. I guess I should get a plan together, eh?
5. Do you think vacations are necessary? Explain.
I think everyone needs a change of pace from the daily grind. However, that can be achieved by rearranging your desk periodically at work, I suppose, if things just aren't working on the vacation front.

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