Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Tina's Tuesdays

(Link at left)

1. Have you ever been on a diet? If so, when?
Not in an 'official' way, mostly just periods of time where I cut back on the intake either a lot or a little.
2. What was the most pounds you have ever lost?
Probably about 12 pounds, last year. Which I've regained, of course.
3. Are you currently on one now? If so, mention your stats (start, lbs lost, etc).
I'm trying to lose a little before my niece's wedding so the dress fits better. Hah! Again, there's nothing specific, just smaller portions and less sugar.


1. Do you have any plans for the summer?
Yes. Some will come to fruition, some won't. We have vacation plans tied into the wedding mentioned above, and possibly a couple of concerts and some neighborhood stuff, as well. Nothing huge and dramatic outside the wedding. [This is the third niece to get married since I started blogging!]
2. Do you prefer to relax on a beach and swim, or go camping in the outdoors?
I. Don't. Do. Camping.
I can do the beach thing, but I can't swim. All in all, I'd rather be hiking or sitting on a mountain somewhere.
3. If you could name three things you wanted to accomplish this summer, what would they be?
Bottle up the warmth for winter.

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