Friday, June 1, 2007

Friday Fill-In

(Link at left)
This week, we're going to have a theme--fictional characters :-) So fill in the blanks with them; please do refrain from using your husband/wife/other non-fictional character!

1. I wouldn't toss any of the men from CSI (except maybe David and that weird lab guy who makes me want to keep an eye on the door) out of bed!

2. Anyone affiliated with American Idol has no appeal for me whatsoever.

3. A good dream would involve me and Captain Jack; we would probably spend the dream doing pirate-y things.

4. The sexiest man in the movies is Brad Pitt's character in Thelma & Louise; the sexiest man on tv is (was) Baryshnikov's character on "Sex in the City."

I can't think of anymore fictional characters; I'm sorry. My brain is not fully functional this morning....

5. Alan Rickman portrays a wicked villian. (Has he ever NOT played a villain??)

6. Cameron Diaz and Matthew McConaughey make a great(-looking) couple.

7. TGIF! Tonight I'm sleeping, tomorrow my plans include shopping with Sparky for a swimsuit and a pair of dress pants and possibly dressy shoes, and Sunday, I'll be at church much of the day! (I'm not sure how this fits in with fictional characters--it doesn't for me--but there ya go....)

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