Friday, June 1, 2007

Friday 5

(Link at left)
Sweet Somethings

  1. What’s your favorite goody at your favorite bakery?
  2. I like the smiley-face cookies at the bakery in my town. And there's something at the local panaderĂ­a that is FABU but I don't know what they are; we get them when Sout'Sider brings snacks to work.
  3. Someone’s visiting from out of town and craves something sweet: Where do you take him or her for an experience he or she can’t get at home?
  4. Hmmm, there's really nothing around here in the sweets that is too good to miss, or that isn't franchised. I'd probably go to Culver's.
  5. What’s your favorite order at your favorite ice creamery?
  6. Butterscotch malt. Or a dish of peppermint ice cream if they have it.
  7. Oh no! You forgot to save room for dessert! What dessert item on the menu will you order anyway, because you can’t resist?
  8. Uh...I virtually NEVER do this, hard as that probably is to believe. If I know the cheesecake is to die for, I might get a slice of that. Or some kind of fruit pie from Marie Callendar's, but we don't have a Marie's nearby.
  9. You’ve got a craving for sweets, but it’s so late at night that only the corner convenience store is open. What do you get?
  10. Skip it. I'll just make do with something around the house: chew some gum, find something to keep my mind off food, etc. I only use the local mini-mart for packaged stuff and only as a last resort: "Oh, shit, I've started the cookie dough and I don't have eggs!" That sort of thing.

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