Your Score: 14
1-10 You definitely give your child the freedom he needs, but there are some times you might need to offer more input. Be aware of what is going on in your child’s life and make sure you’re available when he needs your helping hand. After all, he is your baby, no matter what his age!
11-19 Nice job! You’ve found a good balance between being too hands-off and too involved. Encourage your child to make some easy confidence-building decisions like choosing what to have for dinner, or where to go for a playdate. Giving her a bit of freedom will benefit you both.
20-30 Be careful! You may be headed toward “Helicopter Parenting.” While it’s definitely OK to walk your child through complex situations, it’s not OK to want to solve every problem as he grows. Step back a bit and review your actions. It’s good for your child to learn how to fend for himself and learn how to solve some issues on his own.
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Sunday night
5 years ago
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