Thursday, June 21, 2007

3x Thursday

(Link at left)
Being The Boss

1. Are you, or have you ever been in a managerial type position? Do you/did you like it? What about it did you like or not like? If not, would you ever *want* to be in that type of position? Why/why not?
I am pseudo-managerial now. I don't care for it at all, and I don't do reviews or anything like that so it could be worse. I just don't like being Management. I just want to do my job and be left alone. What's so wrong about that??
2. If you've ever been in a managerial position, have you ever had to fire someone? What was that like? If not, have you ever been fired? What was that like?
I used to be in charge of the pages in my former job. I hired and fired, and reviewed and so forth. It was OK, because I was dealing with high school kids. I don't think I ever had to fire anyone...if I did we probably decided on a face-saving "Maybe you should quit instead of being fired" thing. That's what happened the only time I was ever fired for a job. I still--decades later--think my supervisor missed the point: I stopped lying about what I was accomplishing and she fired me. {shrug}
3. At the end of the day, we're all employees, but would you rather be the Boss or the Employee? Why?
I'd rather be an employee. Heavy is the head that wears the crown. I have absolutely no aspirations towards being a library director. The only boss I want to be is my own, frankly. That's difficult enough!

Time Away

1. Do you ever just 'need a break' from it all? How does it manifest itself?
Oh, yeah. I know I'm headed that direction when I'm cranky about EVERYthing ALL the time and can't chill out.
2. When is the last time you got a break? Do you try and take them every so often to avoid burnout, or do you wait until your head is ready to implode? Why?
I was gone all week last week. It was great. However, my tendency is to work until my head has exploded all over everyone else and THEN realize I need a break. Aren't you glad you don't work with me?!
3. When you do decide to take that break, what do you do to enjoy yourself and relax?
Mindless stuff: puzzles, blogging, some reading, maybe a little TV or (gasp!) cleaning. And sleep.

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