1) best part about winter: No allergies. Not many bugs, either.
2) what posters do you have in your room? I gave up posters in my bedroom when I got married. I do, however, have three framed & matted posters in my dining room.
3) what do you hear right now? Buddy drinking some water, and the fan in the bathroom.
4) if you could drink anything right this second, what would it be? I'm ok with my DP at my side here.
5.) does anything hurt on your body?? No, of course not. When I schedule a massage, my body rebels by becoming very unsore. She will find loads of places where I have stored the tension, however. I'll probably be VERY sore in three hours.
6) ever take candy from someone? Only when it was offered.
7) what's your job position called? Head of Technical Services/General Reference
8) what size ring do you wear? I have no idea. Used to be a 6, but that was long ago in another galaxy.
9) do you own a camera phone? Noop.
10) when's your birthday? Just about exactly 6 months from now.
11) what was your elementary school's mascot? I think we were the Cougars, but it wasn't very publicized. Wait, let me go check.... Well, now they are the Mustangs, but I know that's not right. They must have changed since 1976 when I left. :-)
12) what's your favorite bottled water? Cold and wet, and least expensive.
13) what's the next event you're going to and when? "Event"? Wow. I'm setting up the dance on Friday, but not attending. I guess the next thing I'm aware of is Graduation.
14) what were you doing at 11 pm last night? Getting into the bathtub.
16) do you exercise as much as you should? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...excuse me, but that laughter may be more exercise than I've had all week!!
15) did you attend your high school prom? No. So deprived, right? Or NOT.
18) did you attend someone else's prom? No. See, here's the karmic deal: Beast went to three proms his senior year alone. I went to zero. It works out.
19) would you give your bf/gf a second chance if they cheated? If I had a boyfriend, that would be cheating. Would I give Beast a second chance? I don't know. Probably not.
20) something red within 5 feet of you? There's a little red on a shopping bag next to me on the couch, and Beast's OCC pillow is next to that. It sort of goes with this.
21) your last bag of chips? We had chips yesterday. I did not eat all of them, but I did finish the Doritos that were left after the party.
22) the weirdest thing you've seen this week? The week is young. So far today, I've seen a VERY creepy looking pirate and some really ugly baby photos.
24) right or left handed? I'm a righty.
25) sparkly things? What about them? I like 'em, but I don't like them enough to spend a lot of money on.
26) ever crash a car, been in accident? Yup to both. But I've never totalled, or even come close to totalling, a car.
27) do you look good in yellow? Depends on the shade, but overall yes.
28) do you sing? Yes. I kind of wish I did more of it.
29) ever sang in front of a crowd? Not alone, but yes.
30) do you dance? "Only when I'm drunk, Pyotr. And I'm drunk NOW."
31) party in my pants? I'm too old to understand this question, I think, though I get the gist. According to this, it's not the kind of party I have a lot of interest in participating in.
32) least favorite color? White.
33) favorite kind of pizza? P@^l##'s
34) ever have dippin' dots? I think I tasted Sparky's once. The texture is weird.
35) ever made fun of a homeless person? Feh. I wish I could say no, but I might have. I can think of some people I've run across regularly who are just unintentionally funny in their manias.
36) how old were you when you got a cell phone? 37-ish.
37) future plans: I don't have firm, long-term plans. Getting through each day is sometimes a little overwhelming.
38) how many driving tickets do you have [have I had?]? One.
39) how many parking tickets? Zero.
40) do you own your own car? Free and clear. No payments.
42) do you want to get married? Too late: I'm spoken for.
43) at what age do you want to get married? I got married at 22-1/2. I'd recommend waiting a little longer.
44) have you ever been married? Hello! Pay attention!
45) have you ever received a restraining order? No.
46) at what age do you want to have kids? 29 worked fine.
47) how many kids? One seems about right.
48) ketchup or mustard? On my kids?? :-) I like both in moderation.
49) when is the last time someone deleted you from their Myspace? I would think I'd have to be added in order to be deleted.
50) how many times a week are you on myspace? I've been there about three times in my life.
51) ever been kicked out of your home? No.
52) favorite character on Friends? ...er... I watched it the first season, and then had to work on Thursdays after that, so ... meh.
53) ever eat Spam? Yes. I loved it as a kid. Kids are weird. It's really, truly veryvery foul.
54) have a crush on a teacher? Yes.
55) favorite store? Main Street Gallery in the town where my sister lives.
56) have a best friend? Yes. How pathetic would it be to have to say no....
57) one place you want to travel to? The Serengeti.
58) if you could have anything right now, what would it be? A nap.
59) five of your all-time favorites: Favorite what?? Could this be more vague please? sigh, ok
1. Cake frosting
2. Family (I can't pick out five family members)
3. Happy music
4. The smell of new paint and carpeting
5. Computers.
60) if you could marry anyone: OK, here's the deal: I'm married already, so I can't marry anyone (else). And even if I could...I wouldn't.
61) are you like your mom/dad? My temperament is quite similar to my mom's, but I look like my dad.
62) what stickers do you have on your car? Absolutely none. Don't do the sticker thing. That requires commitment.
63) how perfect is your boyfriend? ....oh....all right, but SHHHH, don't tell Beast, ok? {eyeroll}
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